Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

"So you cannot find supporting evidence - easier to just say that." I did not say that, because it's not the case at all. I'm going to say this again, since you require repetition. This issue is many years old, and I've worked it from the beginning, with a letter to President Obama saying that he should approve Keystone XL. But when I looked into the issue, I found that the media coverage of it was almost entirely false, and I changed my opinion. Why don't you misrepresent yourself instead of misrepresenting me? If you are without the curiosity and integrity to follow my leads on the points at issue and do your own work, that is your mfing problem.
Lol... settle down pops.... you’ll flare up your IBS and end up stuck in the bathroom for 30 minutes
Watching YouTube?

Last summer when I went deep sea fishing this happened to us five times..... we hooked the shark each time, but didn’t manage to get any in the boat. I fought one for 30 nearly spooled me... chased it with the boat..... had it within 20 yards or so of the boat and the dang line snapped.
If people have to lose their jobs in order to save the planet then so be it, they should learn a useful skill anyways.

The science is clear and we've already waited longer than we should have to act. If we would've listened to the science drastic measures wouldn't need to be taken. Unfortunately, we haven't listened to the science so drastic measures must be taken.


It’s the population load on the planet that is the problem. Ready to start reducing population?
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Unfortunately they weren't reliable at all thanks to the State of Texas deciding to cut corners and not properly maintain them.

Why did wind turbines freeze in Texas when they work in the Arctic?

The only thing I'm getting out of this is that the bozos making decisions in Texas are morons. Not surprised since it's the land of George W Bush, Rick Perry, and Greg Abbott.
Incorrect. Wind or solar will never be base load power generation. I don’t care if it’s in Texas or hardened against cold in Alaska. Base load power means it’s available 100% of the time. Wind or solar cannot ever be counted on for that. Hell hydro can’t even either. And base load power means thermal generation. That’s nuke, coal, diesel, or the number one method natural gas.
If people have to lose their jobs in order to save the planet then so be it, they should learn a useful skill anyways.

The science is clear and we've already waited longer than we should have to act. If we would've listened to the science drastic measures wouldn't need to be taken. Unfortunately, we haven't listened to the science so drastic measures must be taken.
Learn to code... lol

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