Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

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I got one of those, typical rhetoric of someone who can't back up their talking points.

This issue has been out for years, and I've backed up those talking points so many times I could not count them all. From that experience, I know that guys who start barking demands like that are not really interested in the information. If they were, they'd get it themselves. I could give them all of the information in Christendom and they'd just make some foolish comment and attack me personally. Look at this thread and you can see the pattern they already started. If you want to tell somebody what to do, you can start with yourself.
Just saw some Dem shill on FN saying there were only 1200 temp jobs lost, which is very debateable. How come just a few years ago Dems demanded a massive infrastructure bill in the name of jobs which are "temporary" as well?
Good ole John "Butt-face" Kerry doesn't need to lecture anybody about climate change. He pollutes enough for all in this country.

There are rules for the elite and rules for the bourgeoisie. We wear masks, they dont and they hold international conferences with CO emitting fly-ins from around the world to debate climate change and we zoom, they are considered "essential" worker and we are not. Cannot believe people fall for it.

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