Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Good ole John "Butt-face" Kerry doesn't need to lecture anybody about climate change. He pollutes enough for all in this country.
These people are scam artists of the highest order. During the Obama admin he claimed air conditioners were the biggest national security threat to the country.
What is more important, saving the jobs of some people who work in a dying industry or saving the planet?
And natural gas isn’t a dying industry Junior it is the primary fuel for thermal generation power stations which dominate our power grid and it burns clean. Your emotional plea is rejected for having no merit whatsoever.
And natural gas isn’t a dying industry Junior it is the primary fuel for thermal generation power stations which dominate our power grid and it burns clean. Your emotional plea is rejected for having no merit whatsoever.

Started to directly reply..but so trollish....Saving the Planet BS.
People > apocalyptic planetary prognostication.

If people have to lose their jobs in order to save the planet then so be it, they should learn a useful skill anyways.

The science is clear and we've already waited longer than we should have to act. If we would've listened to the science drastic measures wouldn't need to be taken. Unfortunately, we haven't listened to the science so drastic measures must be taken.
And natural gas isn’t a dying industry Junior it is the primary fuel for thermal generation power stations which dominate our power grid and it burns clean. Your emotional plea is rejected for having no merit whatsoever.
You mean the same power grid that collapsed when the weather got chilly? Sounds reliable
If people have to lose their jobs in order to save the planet then so be it, they should learn a useful skill anyways.

The science is clear and we've already waited longer than we should have to act. If we would've listened to the science drastic measures wouldn't need to be taken. Unfortunately, we haven't listened to the science so drastic measures must be taken.
The science of far from clear and your are categorically wrong on how we will generate primary base load power for the foreseeable future. It will come from natural gas.

Stop falling for bull ****.
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If people have to lose their jobs in order to save the planet then so be it, they should learn a useful skill anyways.

The science is clear and we've already waited longer than we should have to act. If we would've listened to the science drastic measures wouldn't need to be taken. Unfortunately, we haven't listened to the science so drastic measures must be taken.
Go plant a forest. Create an algae habitat. And chicken little your heart out.

Besides, we will flood out the whole state of Florida if glaciers melt. Let's make it happen.
You mean the same power grid that collapsed when the weather got chilly? Sounds reliable
Yep. That one. The natural gas lines to the delivery network froze up. The corrective action will be to harden the natural gas lines not do away with natural gas power generation.

Not even a nice try at deflection kid.
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An emotional plea is really their whole argument. And I find it completely uncompelling.
Go plant a forest. Create an algae habitat. And chicken little your heart out.

Besides, we will flood out the whole state of Florida if glaciers melt. Let's make it happen.

Nothing emotional about it, it's the cold hard truth. The emotional take is the one that continues to pretend that everything will be all right in spite of the mounting evidence that it won't.

Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Nothing emotional about it, it's the cold hard truth. The emotional take is the one that continues to pretend that everything will be all right in spite of the mounting evidence that it won't.

Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
And I can counter with 20 more links saying you’re wrong. The science is far from settled on cause. We do not accept the implication of your narrative at face value.

Go print an “The End is Near” sign and go stand on a street corner.

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