Kiffin Petition

Being reported Sumlin turned us down. Kiffin has turned us down. Every freaking coach we are targeting is turning us down. I think it might be time to consider that while our inital uprising had good intentions, it has now backfired. Badly.

We are in a state of freefall with no end in sight.

Runaway Big Orange Train is angry and spitting fire, where she stops nobody knows:)
With all his faults, Kiffin did bring an energy to Tennessee that hasn't been there since, say what you will, but it's true:)
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Why is Kiffin such a winner as a HC. He is almost as good at self promotion as Gruden.

Record at Oakland Raiders = 5 - 15 Record at TENN following Fulmer = 7 - 6
Record at USCw = 28 - 15 Record at FAU = 9 - 3

He has won 10 games 1 time and has won 9 games this year. Coaching NFL and Power 5 he has 1 season winning 10 games and none winning 9 games

Don't try to add in his OC job at Ala. We're talking HC only. Ala OC this year was 11-1 so that means nothing. If you want him at TENN, hire him as OC at his current salary

If you can’t see his development as a coach, you need to look harder. Have you watched his team this year? They have gotten better and better. I think he improved after Saban.
Leave this idiot where he belongs-With the bottom feeders. Ark, A&M, nobody else wants this ego-maniacal ass hat.
Just bring back Tee already. Why is this a discussion?

Sumlin is way better than Butch and that NC state Flunky, but no thanks. We went through it, waited this long, why settle? Even if we miss out on early signing, I want a good coach. I think Cade Mays will bide his time and see who we hire anyway cause he is a Vol.

It's like the admin wants to get us to accept the best of the worst. Right above that line where we won't be great, we will be ok, and then they can go back to counting their money sipping on rum in the Bahamas or screwing up the Browns next #1 pick.

They are spiteful now. They don't want us to be great. They don't want to give us our guy.
MAKE THEM! Just keep doing what you are doing. It has worked and I thank you.
Also saw on the news just recently, FBI has Haslam on tape being involved in the Pilot scandal. Anything to get him out of our business.

According to the polls you are in the minority here. By a bunch!
Maybe you need to check out USC while he was there.

The sanctions were way worse than anyone expected. AD didn’t expect them be that harsh. Admin didn’t expect them to be that harsh. Fans didn’t expect them to be that harsh.

Had they know it was gonna be that bad and ask if they would take a 28-15 record over 3.5 seasons, they all would have said Hell Yes.

Also, Pat Haden rivals UT AD’s in terms of incompetence and rationale. Can’t believe you’re siding with Pat Haden.

Respectfully disagree. He wasn't just fired because he wasn't a successful head coach. That was just part of it.
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I am not against a Tee Martin hire, BUT Kiffin has proven he can coach and win. There are concerns with him, however based on merit alone Kiffin is head and shoulders ahead of Tee Martin for head coach. Sorry.

Win?? His record sucks
He can OC.
He cannot HC.
Sure we have a history and that's an obvious hurdle. However, lane put his name our there last year as well as none of the top programs are biting. This isn't just (justifiable) sour grapes. There's a lot of questions on his a ability to run a top tier program and not just call plays. Hell, Tee can call plays and has no character issues that I'm aware of.
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Saban picked him up as an OC. What was Saban's record the years preceding Kiffin, and his record this year without Kiffin. Kiffin is not the common denominator , Saban is.

Saban hired Sarkisian as OC too...and I'm not putting him high on the list as head coach either. You can check USC history for the explanation on him as well.

Still waiting for USC to call sarkisian back. I mean...he's different now. That happened years ago.
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Keep in mind he had it written into his contract for USC job. Not his fault. Also he has said he made mistake how he did it. Live and learn. Welcome back.

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