Kim will not be on the hot seat in two years, unless she does not show that she can recruit high school players, and that she can coach them to be much better than they were as freshmen.
Kim Caldwell was not signed, and she did not come here, to coach portal players. If she just follows the script of the last few years, she will fail and there won't be any difference as when Kellie was here. She is implementing a new system, different than what we have seen under Kellie. She needs to recruit young players that she can develop into her system and do this every year to create a "program", not a team of nomads that has to be replenished every year. True, the last few years the team starts ranked, but in the end, Dudsville. This year she has had to get from the portal as there was only half a team left, and recruiting for this coming year was basically over. Looking at the future portal is a scary scenario if that's what fans want, but I believe the true LV fans want what the other good teams want, high profile high school players. The last few years the freshmen classes have been fantastic, so at this point if Tennessee isn't getting involved with this they are just falling behind and will always be behind. I think Kim believes in this and she needs your support.