The moves he has made, not just coaching hires, for our university have been huge. Modernizing our football and baseball stadiums. Approving multimillion dollar renovations for football, baseball, and basketball. The pitch to building an entertainment district on the River. He’s doing things our former ADs never really were great at doing, and yes he hired our best football coach in over a decade. Which is something people shouldn’t overlook. He’s also hired brilliant basketball coaches at previous stops. Oats at Buffalo, I’m pretty sure he also hired Hurley at Buffalo. He also hired Lance Leipold at Buffalo who is an outstanding football coach as well. It may or may not be Caldwell, but so far DW has done nothing but elevate our entire university in his tenure as AD.
I posted the records of most of White's BB hires a few pages back. With the exception of Oates, it's a pretty lackluster group. Hurley
is lucky to still be employed.
Modernize the football stadium? The football stadium has been in an almost-constant state of modernization for 30 years---and will be for the next 30. Every major is modernizing one facility or another yearly--it's what they do and have to do. SOP. Our baseball stadium was very old and small and in desperate need of expansion and improvement. It doesn't take a guru to renovate facilities--it's a basic part of every major AD's job. I've got nothing against the guy but have been bemused by this notion that he's some super-genius AD. He's been fortunate that we've been strong in various sports last few years coached by people he /didn't/ hire--woodruff, barnes, kredich, vitello, pensky (before leaving), the exception being the one big Heupel/football year.
More to the point: For a long time our women's BB program was this university's shining athletic star. After PS retired, we made one bad hire, followed by another meh hire, and as a result our prestigious program, which had brought the university massive amounts of good publicity, has floundered for 15 years and lost much of its cachet. Warlick had zero head-coaching experience and thus was totally unproven. Bad hire and fail. Harper had experience but a mixed record: She did not do well at NC State (44 percent win percentage and was sacked after four years. She bounced back and did well at Missouri State--a mid-major--with a 72 percent win rate) in six years. That and her LV background got her the job after a cursory search. I thought Harper was the wrong hire--but of course most Vol fans were OK with it because of her association with Summitt etc. But Harper certainly wasn't a sit-up-and-take-notice hire for a program with a pedigree of 8 national titles. The upshot: Over five years Harper struggled to get the program out of the ditch of mediocrity.
With Harper let go, logic would strongly suggest that with a proud program in desperate need of revival, if it wished to become a national contender again in a sport that's more competitive than ever, the best way to do that would be to get serious---for a change--and hire a proven winner at the major level, especially after your two previous, unproven coaches had failed. Logic and common sense would strongly suggest that the LAST thing you'd do is hire yet another unproven coach.
So for White to hire somebody with one year of mid-major experience would be the ultimate head-scratcher: truly bizarre. Talk about sticking your neck out! What, third time's a charm with an unproven coach? Caldwell would prove to be either the ultimate basketball whisperer over the next few years and merit a statue next to Summitt's--or, and more likely, she will flop because she took a very big job mistakenly offered to her way too soon. And then White should be tarred and feathered and trundled out of town.
It's not like Caldwell's Div. II success is special. I quickly found two coaches who've won multiple Div. II national titles in the last decade--one guy with three titles and a young woman with 2 and a 90%+ win rate over her 10 years with Ashland College--and each with undefeated season! Why aren't we offering one of them? Why hasn't anybody? They're still in Div. II--probably, though I'm speculating, because no major would want to risk the hire, fairly or unfairly. (I can't imagine why they both haven't been swooped up by mid-majors by now.) Hiring Caldwell would be White pushing all his credibility chips onto Number 7 and then watching the spin the roulette wheel. Only a rampaging Heupel could save him if this hire comes a cropper.