Kim Davis

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You can't have an intellectually honest bone in your body and say this.

Inconsistencies and hypocrisy relating to the principle he champions are fair game.

You don't have anything better to say than "there is no connection" and you can't shut your mouth, so that's what you say.
I thought that the woman was refusing marriage licenses. The only connection that I see between the people not getting their licenses and Huckabee and Duggar is that there is a lot of low hanging fruit in Kentucky.
I thought that the woman was refusing marriage licenses. The only connection that I see between the people not getting their licenses and Huckabee and Duggar is that there is a lot of low hanging fruit in Kentucky.

You're really terrible at this.
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..... and you are not very perceptive.

Well I've perceived that numerous times in this thread when you've been put on the spot, you either don't answer the question, change the subject, or "play" dumb and proceed to post something completely nonsensical then act like you posted something intelligent.

So I'll have to disagree that I'm not perceptive.
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Well I've perceived that numerous times in this thread when you've been put on the spot, you either don't answer the question, change the subject, or "play" dumb and proceed to post something completely nonsensical then act like you posted something intelligent.

So I'll have to disagree that I'm not perceptive.
Good! You will figure out the low hanging fruit connection sooner or later then.
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Good! You will figure out the low hanging fruit connection sooner or later then.

You probably had to Google "Low hanging fruit" before you posted it.

Unfortunately you probably still haven't figured out the connection of Huckabee's defending of Duggar and his anti-gay marriage crusade.
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You probably had to Google "Low hanging fruit" before you posted it.

Unfortunately you probably still haven't figured out the connection of Huckabee's defending of Duggar and his anti-gay marriage crusade.
First sentence: NO.

Second sentence: Who cares about Huckabee? The issue is marriage licenses in Kentucky. Huckabee has nothing to do with that. He is a politician trying to get recognition because he has a very limited following.

If Republicans were as big of religious freaks as you think they are, he would be leading in the polls. He is a minor candidate.
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And SCOTUS is always right.

They are in terms of what the law is. Whether or not it's right or wrong, morally speaking, is a different question. But, yes, SCOTUS is the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't law in the United States.
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They are in terms of what the law is. Whether or not it's right or wrong, morally speaking, is a different question. But, yes, SCOTUS is the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't law in the United States.

Yes and like good loyal subjects we all should just keep our mouths shut and bow to our superiors in black robes.
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They are in terms of what the law is. Whether or not it's right or wrong, morally speaking, is a different question. But, yes, SCOTUS is the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't law in the United States.
This really goes beyond that. The SCOTUS basically reads its (or the majority of Justice's) opinion into a 125 year old law.
Yes and like good loyal subjects we all should just keep our mouths shut and bow to our superiors in black robes.

She doesn't have to keep her mouth shut about it. She's free to express any criticism she might have of the ruling.

However, every second she is in the clerks office she must follow the law as decided by the Court.

If she can't or won't do that, she must resign.
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She doesn't have to keep her mouth shut about it. She's free to express any criticism she might have of the ruling.

However, every second she is in the clerks office she must follow the law as decided by the Court.

If she can't or won't do that, she must resign.
Should the Mayors of sanctuary cities resign because they don't enforce federal immigration law?
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She doesn't have to keep her mouth shut about it. She's free to express any criticism she might have of the ruling.

However, every second she is in the clerks office she must follow the law as decided by the Court.

If she can't or won't do that, she must resign.

Wasn't talking about her dufus.
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She doesn't have to keep her mouth shut about it. She's free to express any criticism she might have of the ruling.

However, every second she is in the clerks office she must follow the law as decided by the Court.

If she can't or won't do that, she must resign.

Legally she is entitled to some accommodation but in the end she cannot prevent the issuance of licenses.
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She doesn't have to keep her mouth shut about it. She's free to express any criticism she might have of the ruling.

However, every second she is in the clerks office she must follow the law as decided by the Court.

If she can't or won't do that, she must resign.

I totally agree with that statement. Now, why don't you condemn Obama for the same thing......not following laws he doesn't agree with. He should either follow the law or resign. Right.

No LG, I don't really expect you to have the balls to answer the question.
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Should the Mayors of sanctuary cities resign because they don't enforce federal immigration law?

Have those mayors been court ordered to do so? (This is the distinction that matters.)

If so, and they still refuse due to their personal or religious conscious - then yes, they should resign. Or go to jail or be fined - whatever the judiciary believe will be most efficacious to win their compliance.

Again, I wonder if the same people would be so adamant in the Davis defense if the clerk were a Muslim imposing her personal or Islamic beliefs. The screeches of "Sharia" from many of the same defenders of Davis would be deafening.

I'd bet a paycheck their wouldn't be a rally outside the detention center when she was released, no Survivor blaring 'Eye of the Tiger' - and certainly no politicians mugging for the camera.
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I totally agree with that statement. Now, why don't you condemn Obama for the same thing......not following laws he doesn't agree with. He should either follow the law or resign. Right.

No LG, I don't really expect you to have the balls to answer the question.

What laws are you talking about.

There are so many laws the POTUS can't coceivably execute on all of them, and historically POTUS has nullified law by refusing to execute. Some people disagree with this but others say it's part of checks and balances.
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