Kim Davis

By not doing her job, which includes the serving of alcohol to those that pay her salary, she is causing her colleagues to have to carry her weight. I find that unsat, personally. She can find another job if she cannot do the one she signed up for.
Close call. It's a bit different than the other examples because it's not a government job involving a specific obligation to do a specific thing. On the other hand, I think it plausible that an employer would worry why she is keeping a job that she says has an offensive aspect.
Well we all know that she is looking for a big payday, don't we counselor?
By not doing her job, which includes the serving of alcohol to those that pay her salary, she is causing her colleagues to have to carry her weight. I find that unsat, personally. She can find another job if she cannot do the one she signed up for.

Your outrage is noted.

Clearly you also believe that Davis should resign her position or be relieved of her duty's as well.
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Haven't we already discussed this?

If she refuses to agree not to interfere with her fellow flight attendants serving alcohol, then yes, she shouldn't be working there.

This terrible example of equivocation is like a bad penny.
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Kim Davis Chose the Wrong Issue for Her 'Martyrdom'

Cal Thomas makes some sense here.

Let's get something straight. America has never been a "Christian nation." Those who believe otherwise have an obligation to say what part of our history was uniquely Christian. Was it when slavery was legal? How about when women were denied the vote? The Gilded Age? The Roaring '20s?

There is a lot of butt hurt in the comments section.
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Yeah, I'm always floored by people that long for the days when we were a "moral" people. When was that? When we practiced slavery? Misogyny? They were morally bankrupt.
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Yeah, I'm always floored by people that long for the days when we were a "moral" people. When was that? When we practiced slavery? Misogyny? They were morally bankrupt.

"We may have been hypocritical and racist, but at least we didn't let Miley Cyrus show her midriff in public!"
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Yeah, I'm always floored by people that long for the days when we were a "moral" people. When was that? When we practiced slavery? Misogyny? They were morally bankrupt.

I won't say it's true for everyone who says that, but a great deal who do it's pretty clear what they mean when they say it.
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Kim Davis spent a few days in jail while getting paid....kept her job and probably getting rich off a book deal...sounds like a smart woman to me.
Kim Davis spent a few days in jail while getting paid....kept her job and probably getting rich off a book deal...sounds like a smart woman to me.

I'm sure that was her plan all along. A book deal, LOL. I don't even think anybody on VN would read that.

That being said, the judge from AL who stood up to the SCOTUS about the 10 commandments was still profiting like 10 years after the fact (I saw him speak at a dinner event). She doesn't seem capable of public speaking.
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Are you going to ruin this thread too? I see you've run along from the economics discussion and back to doing what you do best... Posting stupid memes
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I'm sure that was her plan all along. A book deal, LOL. I don't even think anybody on VN would read that.

That being said, the judge from AL who stood up to the SCOTUS about the 10 commandments was still profiting like 10 years after the fact (I saw him speak at a dinner event). She doesn't seem capable of public speaking.

I wouldnt be surprised if she ran for a US Congress seat in 2016.
I wouldnt be surprised if she ran for a US Congress seat in 2016.

Currently, doing and saying dumb s#it seems like a sure fire way to get elected by the right. You might be on to something.

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She's going back to work tomorrow. Predictions?

I imagine that a same sex couple will show up to test the situation, so what will she do?

Personally, I think that the combination of the ego boost she must have gotten, together with people who have an agenda egging her on, she will direct her deputy clerks to refuse to issue a license.

And she'll be back in jail by Wednesday or Thursday.
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She's going back to work tomorrow. Predictions?

I imagine that a same sex couple will show up to test the situation, so what will she do?

Personally, I think that the combination of the ego boost she must have gotten, together with people who have an agenda egging her on, she will direct her deputy clerks to refuse to issue a license.

And she'll be back in jail by Wednesday or Thursday.

She will issue marriage licenses to same sex couples with an expiration date on them.
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She's going back to work tomorrow. Predictions?

I imagine that a same sex couple will show up to test the situation, so what will she do?

Personally, I think that the combination of the ego boost she must have gotten, together with people who have an agenda egging her on, she will direct her deputy clerks to refuse to issue a license.

And she'll be back in jail by Wednesday or Thursday.

Mark it down on your calendar so you and your hand can have some privacy..
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