Kim Jong Un Near Death?

Trump is going to need to be careful with how he plays this death. Hopefully someone is already crafting a message for him
If he reacts by impulse he'll express more remorse for losing Kim Jung Un than he has for 52,000 Americans this month.
And the hot takes are already coming . . .

MORE rumors claim Kim Jong Un is dead: China-backed journalist claims North Korean dictator has died, Japanese report says he's in a coma - but satellite photos show his private train visited holiday home THIS WEEK

Rumors surrounding Kim Jong Un's health intensified today as Asian media outlets claimed that he had died or is currently 'gravely ill'.

The vice director of Hong Kong Satellite Television (HKSTV) Shijian Xingzou says that a 'very solid source' has told her the North Korean despot, 36, is already dead.

She has 15 million followers on Chinese social media Weibo, and is also the niece of one of the country's foreign ministers.

Separately, a Japanese media outlet claims that Kim has gone into a 'vegetative state' after he underwent heart surgery earlier in the month.
However, a 250-metre-long train belonging to the dictator has been spotted near to his Wonsan holiday compound as recently as Thursday in satellite photos, according to news website 38North.

Although Kim's whereabouts remains unknown, the train's presence at a nearby railway station reserved for the Kim family in the 'elite' area on the east coast suggests he has visited the hideaway.

The most recent photos, from April 23, show the train preparing for departure.

The Wonsan complex includes nine large guesthouses and recreation center, as well as a shooting range and covered dock believed to be for a yacht. At the center of the grounds is a large building that was constructed shortly after Kim Jong Un came to power in 2014.

Kim’s last confirmed public appearance was two weeks ago, when he led a meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party committee of policymakers, according to North Korean state media.


The Vice director of HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television Shijian Xingzou says that a 'very solid source' has told her the North Korean despot, 36, was already dead

It is also not unusual for Kim or other North Korean officials to go weeks without public appearances.

In 2014, Kim was not seen out in public for 40 days, before he reemerged appearing to walk with a limp and using a cane, after he reportedly suffered from 'an uncomfortable medical condition'.

A delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party's International Liaison Department left Beijing for North Korea on Thursday, two of the people said. The department is the main Chinese body dealing with neighbouring North Korea.


China sends medics to North Korea amid claims in Japanese media Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state | Daily Mail Online
“If Kim Jong-un's sister has no blood on her hands (as far as anyone knows), this could be an opening for peace, unless Biden becomes president and gets handsy with her,”


Compared to Donald "grab em by the pddy" Trump?

It amazes me that Trump slurpers want to go down this road. Just unreal.

=has it that Kim Jong Un ‘s sister will take over if he dies and she supposedly is more brutal than him
I've worked for a couple of female bosses before, I'd just about rather have my nuts cut off than to work for a woman. They're like living with a woman that starts her period every day and hisses at you.

Compared to Donald "grab em by the pddy" Trump?

It amazes me that Trump slurpers want to go down this road. Just unreal.

Have you ever seen Trump grab a female by anything ? Now be honest , have you ever seen Joe smell a woman’s hair , or bite a baby’s cheek ?

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