Kim Jong Un Near Death?

Prolly. She scares the hell outta me.
A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on NK that popped up on my Hulu suggested list, can't remember the name of it. It was recent enough that it referenced Trump from last year. It really showed the extent of her power to have anyone disappeared, while Kim Jong-un was shown to the public as the "softer" side of the regime, even though he had his own uncle assassinated. She is the last person we need in charge of DPRK. The crazy bitch would probably launch a nuke out of spite.
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He is beginning to look like his citizens, especially those in the mountains. I would be concerned, too.

And I agree with those who are watchful of his sister.
A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on NK that popped up on my Hulu suggested list, can't remember the name of it. It was recent enough that it referenced Trump from last year. It really showed the extent of her power to have anyone disappeared, while Kim Jong-un was shown to the public as the "softer" side of the regime, even though he had his own uncle assassinated. She is the last person we need in charge of DPRK. The crazy bitch would probably launch a nuke out of spite.
The whole regime is crazy. But they only care about one thing. Staying in power. That means two things. Having Nukes so we don't regime change. We never do with nuke nations. And don't nuke someone. The fear we have of them is self created. They aren't nuking anyone. They also aren't going away. I am way more concerned about religious folks wanting to start the apocalypse then these folks.
The whole regime is crazy. But they only care about one thing. Staying in power. That means two things. Having Nukes so we don't regime change. We never do with nuke nations. And don't nuke someone. The fear we have of them is self created. They aren't nuking anyone. They also aren't going away. I am way more concerned about religious folks wanting to start the apocalypse then these folks.

Agreed. I don’t doubt for a second if one of the Islamic terrorist groups could get ahold of a nuke they would use it against any of those on their list of “Great Satans”. They see that as something to be celebrated and their gateway to a glorious afterlife. But KJU’s sister, that resting b*** face of hers just says stone, cold killer.
The whole regime is crazy. But they only care about one thing. Staying in power. That means two things. Having Nukes so we don't regime change. We never do with nuke nations. And don't nuke someone. The fear we have of them is self created. They aren't nuking anyone. They also aren't going away. I am way more concerned about religious folks wanting to start the apocalypse then these folks.

China supports them, thats the reason they talk so big
China supports them, thats the reason they talk so big

China props them up only to the extent of them barely surviving and then only because they're the last buffer between them and having US troops on their border through South Korea. I'll bet they're pretty sick and ******* tired of having to deal with these DPRK whackos though.

Classic Sun Tzu.
China props them up only to the extent of them barely surviving and then only because they're the last buffer between them and having US troops on their border through South Korea. I'll bet they're pretty sick and ******* tired of having to deal with these DPRK whackos though.

Classic Sun Tzu.

Did you ever see the jordan peterson interview the the girl who escaped north korea? You talking about insane, the people collect their poop and turn it in to fertilize crops. You should watch it on youtube to it if you get the chance.
Did you ever see the jordan peterson interview the the girl who escaped north korea? You talking about insane, the people collect their poop and turn it in to fertilize crops. You should watch it on youtube to it if you get the chance.

There's Vice documentary from smuggled video that I've seen that's pretty good.
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