Kim Jong Un Near Death?

Same. Only one I ever worked for that was a great boss that I truly respected. She had her own company built up by her family and she knew all the ins and outs. The others I’ve had the “pleasure” of working for were wanting to be in a man’s world without doing man’s work. It was absolutely ridiculous.
Mine is just too emotional and takes any kinda criticism personally.

You know it's bad when the other women in the office have issues with her on it.
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And the hot takes are already coming . . .


Yeah, duly elected and such.
Poor, stupid Molly
Again, we know FOR A FACT that Trumpsters will not want this to be a significant election issue. Debatable for Biden, with this charge. Might hurt him. But FOR SURE it hurts Trump.

Not a “Trumpster”, nor defending his statement by any means, but why would it be more important this time around than last time? Especially when Biden has made the remarks about always believe the woman or however he phrased it? The grab em by the pussy thing is established.
MORE rumors claim Kim Jong Un is dead: China-backed journalist claims North Korean dictator has died, Japanese report says he's in a coma - but satellite photos show his private train visited holiday home THIS WEEK


China sends medics to North Korea amid claims in Japanese media Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state | Daily Mail Online

I'm really disappointed that American leaders don't do horsey photo ops. Like Trump on a black, war stallion with a mounted, congressional phalanx behind him.

Commie leaders would be like "yeah, win".
Show me the studies saying this. I can show you lots of metrics showing the US trailing lots of other countries.

Note that healthcare is not just about having the best facilities, or superstar physicians, or a great innovator. It's about across-the-board results. And that's where the US fails.

You wouldn't claim that the country that does the best job feeding its people is the one with the most innovative and cutting-edge Michelin 3 star restaurants, would you?
Again as someone who knows about US healthcare, I can assure you that you are parroting talking points not facts. The US doesn’t “fail” except for people’s choices (poor diet, high alcohol and drug abuse, obesity, smoking, diversity, high mental illness and psych med use). These factors plus the sheer number of people on average make some categories “lower” in rankings but in reality no healthcare in the world is as advanced or as great
Again as someone who knows about US healthcare, I can assure you that you are parroting talking points not facts. The US doesn’t “fail” except for people’s choices (poor diet, high alcohol and drug abuse, obesity, smoking, diversity, high mental illness and psych med use). These factors plus the sheer number of people on average make some categories “lower” in rankings but in reality no healthcare in the world is as advanced or as great

Yes Hispanics and African Americans are on average worse health wise than whites or Asians. They have higher risks of obesity, diabetes, victims of violence, high blood pressure etc.

Throw in the lifestyle choices with that and it’s clear why the average health of someone in Chicago or NYC or Jackson, MS isn’t the same as someone in say Oslo
There is some poetic justice in Kim Jong Un dying, basically, from symptoms of obesity. While the rest of the country is living in the middle ages and, in many cases, having to either hunt or fish in order to keep their children from starving... their Supreme Leader is stuffing his face with some extra crispy from KFC. It's a fitting end.

Lol...extra crispy.
When do you predict, one way or other, we're going to get government confirmation on his condition?
Again as someone who knows about US healthcare, I can assure you that you are parroting talking points not facts. The US doesn’t “fail” except for people’s choices (poor diet, high alcohol and drug abuse, obesity, smoking, diversity, high mental illness and psych med use). These factors plus the sheer number of people on average make some categories “lower” in rankings but in reality no healthcare in the world is as advanced or as great

Exactly. I think the U.S. is still the world's obesity leader at something like 35%, and for decades there wasn't even a second place award. That's obese, mind you, not 'carrying a few extra'. By the time you hit your 60s and culminate decades of negligence, no healthcare system is going to salvage you.
Exactly. I think the U.S. is still the world's obesity leader at something like 35%, and for decades there wasn't even a second place award. That's obese, mind you, not 'carrying a few extra'. By the time you hit your 60s and culminate decades of negligence, no healthcare system is going to salvage you.

Last I heard Mexico had overcome the USA for obesity. Not much is healthy with burritos, chimichangas and refried beans
Last I heard Mexico had overcome the USA for obesity. Not much is healthy with burritos, chimichangas and refried beans
They may have passed us not sure. But on the diet most of what you listed is actually Tex-Mex. It’s just like what America thinks authentic Chinese food is like. Our version of Chinese grew from 1800’s San Fran area. 🤷‍♂️
Just catching up on what we know for sure. Kim is dead, brain dead or just fine. Is that correct?
Granted this may have changed but as of 2013:

Mexico surpasses US as world's most obese nation
Yeah I honestly had no idea. I was just pointing to the food. And not to jump on you sorry please don’t take it that way. But it’s something I’ve learned in the 30+ years living in TX. I actually prefer what we would call Tex Mex but there is some great regional authentic Mexican fare too. I brought this topic up and somebody else pointed the Chinese food out to me too, I wasn’t aware but wasn’t shocked based on the Mexican food confusion.

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