Kim Jong Un Near Death?

Can someone explain to me why, for the last week, Trump knew that he was well, but couldn't tell us?

Why should he or must he?

Is it his job to keep America up to date on other countries whose business we should stay out of?
We live in strange times when the right has no issue with the POTUS having a bromance with a tyrant communist dictator.
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” Micheal Corleone
I remember reading many years ago the NK's hatcheted some US service members trying to cut some trees down in the DMZ. Brutal.
Iran says Hello.

What’s more likely, a leftist democrat POTUS making friends with a Muslim, or a Repub POTUS making friends with a communist dictator?

Oh wait...they have both happened.

I laugh at your ridiculous whataboutism. Anybody on either side defending this crap in anyway should be laughed out of the room. Nobody on either side has any principles.
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What’s more likely, a leftist democrat POTUS making friends with a Muslim, or a Repub POTUS making friends with a communist dictator?

Oh wait...they have both happened.

I laugh at your ridiculous whataboutism. Anybody on either side defending this crap in anyway should be laughed out of the room. Nobody on either side has any principles.
One is trying to denuclearize and one sent pallets of cash.
One is trying to denuclearize and one sent pallets of cash.

Sure. Ok. I’ll be fully prepared to eat crow if if Donald Trump denuclearizes N.Korea. That is the loony house over there and Trump might....might succeed if he appoints Dennis Rodman Secretary of State. SMH. You can’t really be serious with this comedic soap opera crap.

The complete 180 from the republican right on the Bush hardline doctrine with N.Korea is flat amazing. It just goes to show you that policy really doesn’t matter, it’s the letter next to the name of the guy in the White House that does.

And save the whataboutism with Obama, his handling of the Iran stuff was a travesty as well.
I hope you don't believe that's true. He sees him as a friend and chooses to ignore the blatant human rights violations. NK is starving because of the man the potus is glad to see back and well.

But of course it doesn't really matter since no one outside the ruling party even has a clue what anyone in the world says. If they tried to find out they'd be killed along with their family
And just how exactly do you know this? Kim jong your bro?
Sure. Ok. I’ll be fully prepared to eat crow if if Donald Trump denuclearizes N.Korea. That is the loony house over there and Trump might....might succeed if he appoints Dennis Rodman Secretary of State. SMH. You can’t really be serious with this comedic soap opera crap.

The complete 180 from the republican right on the Bush hardline doctrine with N.Korea is flat amazing. It just goes to show you that policy really doesn’t matter, it’s the letter next to the name of the guy in the White House that does.

And save the whataboutism with Obama, his handling of the Iran stuff was a travesty as well.
Why would Trump care about failed Bush policy?
Why would Trump care about failed Bush policy?

Read the post again. I’m referring to the republican right caring about the Bush policy, then not all of a sudden not caring once Trump does something completely opposite.

If you are willing to sit there and say you would be just as supportive with a Dem chumming it up with a communist dictator like Trump has and wishing him well through Twitter e-cards, then I’ll concede it is about the policy. I seriously doubt a single GOP’er in this forum can say that honestly with a straight face.
Surprised nobody posted this: Health clue hidden in Kim Jong-un photo

Usually the "Kim is dead" stories turn out not to be true but have some grain of truth in them. The picture is kind of blurry, but that looks like a puncture mark underneath his forearm that wasn't there the last time he was seen in public. I bet they went in through his arm and put a stent in an artery. Clearly not a good situation for a 36-38 year old man. Surprised somebody on their end didn't catch that and remove it from the footage.

If you watch the full clip of him at the factory, I thought he looked even fatter (especially in the face), was waddling more than usual (although his gait has looked worse at points in the past and he's been seen walking with a cane before), and his complexion wasn't great.

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