Ky governor's race

wow. lot of hate in that post.

Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime.
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VA just elected a state senator who in his mid 50s had affair with a 17yo and had to resign from his law firm for sharing nude pics of her. Lesson is Dems don’t care.
Now do Trump and the Republicans.
The Rs and Trump had to resign for sharing nudes of an underaged girl ? I can’t find it on google anywhere .

How do you like VA now? You should move to a more friendly redhat approved location.
Or Clinton. Only one of us voted for someone of like morals.
I didn't vote for Clinton in the primaries and voted for the one with with the higher moral standard in the general.....
but good try.
It was a good night for the good guys in KY and VA. Keep an eye on Georgia and Texas over the next few years.
I didn't vote for Clinton in the primaries and voted for the one with with the higher moral standard in the general.....
but good try. voted Bernie ? He has higher moral standards ? A guy that takes his honeymoon to Russia ? Yep, high standards there......I was surprised to learn he didn't stay in a shabby run down hotel in Cuba......his 2nd home....
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