What about whoever „ordered her“? You don’t think some mod level producer just happened to decide to do this on her own without direction from higher up do you? Of course I am sure it was all verbal with no paper trail, but I am sure this rot goes up to the top suite of offices
Thanks for looking into the accuracy. The tweet does seem to have some key details wrong. Jordan did take a plea bargain and said JJ was the shooter. 4 different people have said Jordan confessed to them that he was the shooter, and they told this to the parole board.
How would @lawgator1 have responded had it been Fox News that was caught following a jury bus.
Probably the same…
Was it necessary for him to face trial given the evidence? That’s the real issue here. That’s a massive undue burden to place on someone.
I think that slogan is one of violence. It was chanted at peaceful protests across the country.
How would @lawgator1 have responded had it been Fox News that was caught following a jury bus.
Probably the same…
I just have trouble squaring “No Peace!” with “peaceful protest”. They seem to be fundamentally at odds imo.
How do you interpret “No Justice, No Peace” ?
How would @lawgator1 have responded had it been Fox News that was caught following a jury bus.
Probably the same…