LaMarcus Coker

Lol..Just because you aren't puking like a heroin addict doesn't mean it's not addictive. As far as education, I know more about marijuana use than you or probably anyone else on this board. Just trying to save you some hard life lessons...feel free to learn the hard way.

It's fun. It is less harmful on your body than corn from a jar, but I likes my corn too... Are you some sort of chronic professor? Do you have a bachelors in hydroponics? Learn us some info on the scrilla my man.:peace2::)
lol..just because you aren't puking like a heroin addict doesn't mean it's not addictive. As far as education, i know more about marijuana use than you or probably anyone else on this board. Just trying to save you some hard life lessons...feel free to learn the hard way.

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Lol..Just because you aren't puking like a heroin addict doesn't mean it's not addictive. As far as education, I know more about marijuana use than you or probably anyone else on this board. Just trying to save you some hard life lessons...feel free to learn the hard way.

Okay mr know it all. If marijuana is a poison why is legal for MEDICINAL use in 22 states? Why is that number growing ever year?

Ill wait...
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Lol..Just because you aren't puking like a heroin addict doesn't mean it's not addictive. As far as education, I know more about marijuana use than you or probably anyone else on this board. Just trying to save you some hard life lessons...feel free to learn the hard way.

There is no point in arguing against the older generation, extremely religious, and the people who watch Fox News too much. Maybe Bill O'Reilly the Baptist can persuade. On a lighter note...Coker apparently ran a 4.26 electronically. Impressive.
I don't smoke but I even think it should be legal just like alcohol should be legal. Smoking is a lot safer than drinking alcohol but its still illegal?? It would give the government a S*it ton of money and get us out of some debt.
So much stupidity in this thread. Especially from the pro drug crowd who really have no clue what they are talking about.
So much stupidity in this thread. Especially from the pro drug crowd who really have no clue what they are talking about.

The "pro drug" crowd? I don't see anyone advocating wide spread drug use as a good thing. Marijuana is not like opium, heroine, cocaine, meth etc. and should not be treated the same. Alcohol is also a drug and far more addictive and dangerous then cannabis. Look up how many people die alcohol related deaths in this country every year then do the same for marijuana.

Aren't you the guy that said nobody fears our military anymore? Really? Now lets talk about stupidity.
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Marijuana is a plant that needs nothing but water & sunlight to grow. Hardly a problem. All of the chemically created "drugs" are a bane of society and need to be eradicated, quickly.
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The only people who don't realize that marijuana is addictive are people who are addicted to it. Just like any other drug, it is a poison, son. A poison to your mind, body, and soul. The only difference is it is a slower acting poison that subtle enough for you to delude yourself into believing it's harmless.

I think people are confused between physical addiction and liking something a little too much. There is no research that says marijuana is a physically addictive drug. Do people enjoy getting high?Hell yes. Do they enjoy it enough to make it more important that a lot of things in their lives? Hell yes. There's a difference. I used to smoke a lot in high school/college and a few years after I graduated. I would often smoke when I should have been doing something else more productive. But I certainly wasn't addicted. I didn't have to smoke first thing in the morning to feel normal like a drunk or drug addict. It was something I enjoyed doing. I could go weeks without smoking and function like a normal human being, unlike a drunk or drug addict.

Yes, some people treat it more importantly than others and I've seen it come between friends and relationships. But that doesn't make it addictive. I think it's addictive like the way video games or TV are addictive. At least people I knew who smoked all the time would get off their asses and go out to the mountains or do something active.

It WILL be legal in this country within a few decades. People need to stop with this "IT WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!" bs, because that's a lie that has been sold to you for 70 years. Open your eyes. The only people in negatively affects are those that treat it more than what it should be, a diversion. Something to be enjoyed every once in a while. There will always be some people that abuse it. Just like there are people who eat fast food every day or can't put down the bottle. There's plenty of people in this country like that and I haven't heard anyone openly complaining about them as much as marijuana users.
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So much stupidity in this thread. Especially from the pro drug crowd who really have no clue what they are talking about.


This is like Miley Cyrus calling Kelly Clarkson trashy/slutty.

Do your research before basing an opinion on propaganda. Tylenol is FAR deadlier than marijuana. There have been more celebrities named JFK Jr. who died in a plane crash than the amount of people who have died from an overdose of THC.

Yeah, what a nasty, horrible "drug".
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