LaMarcus Coker

Marijuana is a poison to your mind, body and soul? That's complete close minded uninformed horse****.

I don't smoke but if I had a loved one with cancer I would damn sure rather them have marijuana to deal with the pain, nausea and loss of appetite over the usual cocktail of Big Pharma drugs. Medical marijuana at the very least should be legal in every state.

Horse is legal in every state in pharmaceutical form and has been for a long time. It's called Marinol....look it up. "Medical" marijuana is nothing but a disguise pushed by dope heads to smoke dope.
I miss Jason Witten the most

We haven't had that factor in our offense since

Stocker was ok. Rivera was serviceable

But we need a dominate TE again. Hopefully we got that in Wolf or Helm

comparing anyone else to Witten is a little unfair IMO. It's like every QB who comes in must be the next Manning. I would say a large part of the TE depends on a QB who can get him the ball. Personally I'm more worried about that

What mess did he clean up?

Jobless rates are worse. More people on Welfare than any other time in our history

NSA, IRS, AHCA are all on your savior

And all that started because of Bush.:eek:lol: Hey my friend I don't want to argue with you. Lets just agree to disagree. #Commonground

Bush wasn't a ray of sunshine. He manipulated the Constitution too(Patriot Act) but nothing on the scale of what we have seen with Obama

The problem with he U.S. is that people follow a political group like they do a sports team. Once people realize most are cut from the same cloth, then the better we will be. Less Federal Government, the better it is for us all.

This. The two party system is a play pen for your minds; notice people who have ideas outside of that box are immediately destroyed by the media, called crazy conspiracy theorists, and compared to people who think a flying saucer hit the WTC.

Dems & Reps are buddy buddy off camera and their combined agenda is to grow government, dissolve our rights and erode the concept of the individual in favor of the collective. JMHO.
The only people who don't realize that marijuana is addictive are people who are addicted to it. Just like any other drug, it is a poison, son. A poison to your mind, body, and soul. The only difference is it is a slower acting poison that subtle enough for you to delude yourself into believing it's harmless.
Horrible. Just horrible. Please educate yourself and stop reading propaganda.

Its not addicitve. I smoke daily. Sometimes I run out for weeks at a time and its not even a big deal. Do I want some? Yes. But I'm not searching through couch cushions trying to find some bits and pieces.
Horrible. Just horrible. Please educate yourself and stop reading propaganda.

Its not addicitve. I smoke daily. Sometimes I run out for weeks at a time and its not even a big deal. Do I want some? Yes. But I'm not searching through couch cushions trying to find some bits and pieces.

Oh don't lie; we all know you've scraped bowls for resin on those dark, dry days lol
Typical. O had to spend his first term cleaning up the 8 years of W. And for some reason it seems here in the second term you repubs cut O off at every turn. I think there are several villages looking for their idiots in this thread.

Is this the only joke you know?
And all that started because of Bush.:eek:lol: Hey my friend I don't want to argue with you. Lets just agree to disagree. #Commonground

That's the problem. While all you people try to not hurt anyones feelings and validate every crap idea under "everyone has legit opinions" nothing gets changed.
"Agree to disagree" is exactly whats leading everyone further away from anything close to real change
This. The two party system is a play pen for your minds; notice people who have ideas outside of that box are immediately destroyed by the media, called crazy conspiracy theorists, and compared to people who think a flying saucer hit the WTC.

Dems & Reps are buddy buddy off camera and their combined agenda is to grow government, dissolve our rights and erode the concept of the individual in favor of the collective. JMHO.

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Keep in mind this thread is intended to talk about LaMarcus Coker Burning defenders, not burning bowls and ripping bongs.
Keep in mind this thread is intended to talk about LaMarcus Coker Burning defenders, not burning bowls and ripping bongs.

But tangents are so fun :dance2:

I wish the guy had panned out, but regardless here we are in Loserville for a 4th straight year. This off season is going to be dreadfully long.
disagree. I believe if he didn't smoke any harmful substances UT would of won an SECC.

Perhaps. Based on his body of work though I'm dubious. As stated in an earlier post it's not like he did all that much here or Hampton. Not bad mind you, obviously had some talent, but my jaw was never in danger of dropping. Think he had something like 8/9 TD's in his entire collegiate career. Had a shot but didn't make it in the NFL and recently released by the CFL.

One can always play "What if" and by it's very nature such an approach is purely speculative but I'd want more than what was shown. If he'd come here and set the world on fire only to be kicked off the team that'd be one thing. If he went to Hampton and went berserk we could have a real "what if" scenario. That's not what happened.
Horrible. Just horrible. Please educate yourself and stop reading propaganda.

Its not addicitve. I smoke daily. Sometimes I run out for weeks at a time and its not even a big deal. Do I want some? Yes. But I'm not searching through couch cushions trying to find some bits and pieces.

Lol..Just because you aren't puking like a heroin addict doesn't mean it's not addictive. As far as education, I know more about marijuana use than you or probably anyone else on this board. Just trying to save you some hard life lessons...feel free to learn the hard way.
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I remember a similar situation in the mid 90's with a tight end that I was so pumped about and would have been great: Dustin Moore

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