Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

His words did nothing.
Just like Obama's did nothing. And I didnt like him using them either.

The point is he said something which he has already done. He has taken extra presidential powers via EOs, and already signed into law one complete crap show of an Act regarding the pandemic.

Basically it's a very short step from where we are currently to what he is saying. So short it's more of a tripping hazard than an actual step.
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Just like Obama's did nothing. And I didnt like him using them either.

The point is he said something which he has already done. He has taken extra presidential powers via EOs, and already signed into law one complete crap show of an Act regarding the pandemic.

Basically it's a very short step from where we are currently to what he is saying. So short it's more of a tripping hazard than an actual step.

So then berate the acts, not the meaningless incorrect statements.
And on the intellect of those who deny the truth about Lying Trump.
I'll demonstrate what a dull argument this it and how WaPo lying is not a slip of the tongue, but a birth defect:

Trump statement: APR 03 2020
“Hydroxychloroquine -- I don't know, it's looking like it's having some good results. That would be a phenomenal thing.”
Repeated 9 times

WaPo assigns four Pinocchios, what they imply and you term "a lie". Here's their rationale:
President Trump regularly says he has “great hope” for hydroxychloroquine as a cure for covid-19, pointing to a preprint study from French doctor Didier Raoult as evidence. The study suggested Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin cured covid-19 patients. At Trump’s urging, the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency approval distribute millions of doses of the drugs to hospitals across the country on March 30. The World Health Organization has approved a study of the medications. But experts are wary of putting too much weight on anecdotal reports of the drug's success. The decades-old medication is used to fight malaria, as well as to ease discomfort for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, has not been approved to combat cover-19 and can cause serious side effects. Raoult's study, which had not yet been peer reviewed when it was published, was pulled by the science journal that originally printed it for failing to meet scientific standards.

It isn't remotely a lie but accurately states that prescribing doctors - globally - are having good results and unquestionably is a promising treatment. Now if a mature medication that we're intimately familiar with, that might cost $20-30 to treat a patient with, turns out to be effective, that would, indeed, be fooking phenomenal.

I give WaPo and you, Purp, 4 Pinocchs and I can do this All. Day. Long. with the alleged "Trump's Million Lies".

Trump statement: APR 03 2020
“Tariffs are a way of evening the score. Tariffs are a way of just neutralizing. They have tariffs on us. And we now can put tariffs on them.”
Repeated 150 times

WaPo award 3 Pinocchs repeated 150 times and therefore implying, and you stating, 150 lies. Here's their rationale:
Through April 8, 2020, the Trump tariffs have garnered about $50 billion on products from China, according to Customs and Border Protection. But the tariffs — essentially a tax — are generally paid by importers, such as U.S. companies, who in turn pass on most or all of the costs to consumers or producers who may use Chinese materials in their products. So, ultimately, Americans are footing the bill for Trump’s tariffs, not the Chinese. The president is fooling himself if he thinks otherwise. Moreover, the China tariff revenue has been largely eaten up by payments the government has made to farmers who lost business because China stopped buying U.S. soybeans, hogs, cotton and other products in response. As of December 2018, the government said it will cut nearly $9.6 billion in checks, including $7.3 billion to soybean farmers, $580 million to pork farmers and $554 million to cotton farmers; at the time, only about $8 billion had been collected on Chinese goods. Trump then announced an additional bailout for farmers of $16 billion in 2019, for a total of $28 billion.

Nothing in WaPos "Fact Checker Rating" remotely addresses the statement, which is that we are in a trade war, and that tariffs are used to retaliate and gain concession...which is exactly what happened. Neither does Trump state or imply who pays for the trade war in this statement.

I award WaPo and you 4 Pinocchs. In five minutes, I officially have you down for 159 lies.
I don't necessarily mean by his doing but he is filling lots of spots. I'm going to assume he fills those with like minded people. He gets another 2 justices and things go one way only
I dont see that as an issue per se. It's his job to fill the openings. After that the required qualifications are essentially zilch. You may not like his appointments, but he is not wrong to do so.
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How's her math, though?
So then berate the acts, not the meaningless incorrect statements.
I berate it all.

Someone says something I dont agree with, I call them out.
Someone does something I dont agree with I call them out.

We have played the "let's just wait to see if he carries out what he says, before we react" too much from this country. You dont wait for the puppy to piss on the floor if you see him lifting his leg.
The Republican's version of AOC. Cute but not much upstairs.

Back to when you have nothing just character assassinate. Candace will shred your beloved AOC any day. Only one problem is Alexandria O'Biden Communist would never have the stones to go one on one with the great one!
I dont see that as an issue per se. It's his job to fill the openings. After that the required qualifications are essentially zilch. You may not like his appointments, but he is not wrong to do so.

This post is factually false because clearly his appointments are racist
Well yeah we COULD have locked down the whole nation in February. You can always freak out more. The hard part is actually being able to justify your decision based on current knowledge at the time, and figuring out what is actually appropriate.

Are you seriously arguing Trump should have shut the country down in February because of 15 cases and 0 deaths? No one is making that decision. And we can look back at past world pandemics to prove it.
His post is full of BS anyway. For example, Trump isn't threatening to fire Fauci.
Back to when you have nothing just character assassinate. Candace will shred your beloved AOC any day. Only one problem is Alexandria O'Biden Communist would never have the stones to go one on one with the great one!

I have already discussed one of her tweets. That is not a character assassination, it is an observation based upon her own words . Republicans love her because she is a pretty black republican. She is all style and no substance.

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