Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I don't believe that. I think Stew is just done with this president.

I earnestly believe he wants what is best for Americans, though.

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Also, chocolate makes me irritable and moody. My pleas to the better half to not feed the problem goes unheeded, especially around Easter and other candy holidays.

Fortunately, I will do my zen mowing ritual forthwith, and if all goes well, I will find my center, and become more subtle in my disagreements.

My JD lawn tractor has been finely tuned to achieve the near perfect "Om".
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Love Pappasito’s. And Pappadeaux’s and Pappas Seafood and Pappas BBQ. Those Pappas boys really know the restaurant business.
They certainly do. And Pappa got his start in the restaurant business in Lebanon, TN.
I wrote you off for your silliness and windbaggery long ago. After all, you called FDR a fascist.
FDR who tried to end-run the Constitution and Congress by illegally packing the Supreme Court with his friends, put a whole race of Americans in concentration camps, tried to illegally nationalize several industries, placed journalists who disagreed with him in jail and called them traitors, and wanted to exert control over several autonomous countries and their people through force?

What is your definition of fascism?
What are you talking about? We already know the next one and we know the first 2. He's .500 so far

If there are 2 Lefty's that leave the court the supreme Court is game over. You are already losing everything 5-4 as it is 7-2 would not be .500
Well I didn't say he was wrong to do so. I am saying the direction is wrong and loading the court is no different than wanting congress and potus from the same party. There needs to be balance and without it there are issues
I can more or less agree. But I consider myself more of a consituiotinalist and in that regards what he is doing is fine. I feel like the SC in general is one of the worst defined bits in the Consitution, but there it is.

Basically disagree does not equal wrong.
Go through and look at some of this BS you and the WaPO is trying to count as "lies" :rolleyes: This is just the first page of this BS...

Trump clearly exaggerates and makes dumb statements, but to classify these as lies is 100% partisan BS

The military shelves were also empty. We had no ammunition, literally. And that was said by one of your favorite generals. 'We have -- sir, we have no ammunition.'”

Trump is onto something when he suggests that munitions were running low at the time he took office. After targeting Islamic State operatives with tens of thousands of smart bombs and guided missiles, U.S. military officials began to say publicly that stockpiles were growing thin. But the president’s disregard for details and accuracy gets him in trouble. Trump never limits his comments to PGMs and instead gives the impression that all ammunition was running out. Smart bombs may be the most important kind in the fight against terror, but it’s nevertheless an exaggerated claim. Moreover, at times Trump’s claim has morphed from “very little” ammunition to “no ammunition.” No military official has claimed that munitions, whether PGMs or for any other kind of weapon, were depleted, and officials in the Obama administration had already started to fix the problem by the time he took office.

"I mean, take New York: We...sent a ship with 1,000 rooms and 12 operating rooms.”

The dispatch of the medical Navy vessel to New York started out as a disaster. The Comfort, which was supposed to aid New York — a ship with 1,000 hospital beds, 11 operating rooms, 80 intensive care beds and a radiology suite, staffed by 1,200 crew members — but after more than a week after arriving March 31 it was almost empty, serving only 50 patients. The Comfort was supposed to take in patients not infected by the coronavirus, so that hospital staff could focus on the pandemic. But there was also a list of 49 other medical conditions that would exclude a patient from receiving the aid on board the Comfort. Then the Navy on April 8 shifted course, saying the Comfort’s mission has shifted and the ship will now allocate 500 of its 1,000 beds for severe coronavirus cases, even though originally it said the vessel was “not configured to provide treatment for infectious diseases.”

“It's over a thou- -- a hundred thousand test a day --and these are accurate tests and they're moving rapidly -- which is more than any other country in the world, both in terms of the raw number and also on a per capita basis.

Trump often makes misleading claims about the level of testing in the United States. It is accurate when looking only at raw numbers. But the key indicator is tests per capita, which gives a read on the share of the population that has contracted the disease. A crowdsourced tally provided by the Covid Tracking Project says the United States has tested 1.1 million people as of March 31. That represents about 1 in 297 people. Italy, for example, has a smaller population and a lower number of total tests, but it tested about three times as many people on a per capita basis: 1 in 133.

“We had the most jobs ever in the history of the United States. Almost 160 million jobs, right?”

Of course there are more Americans working. That’s because there are more Americans today than ever before. More meaningful measures of the overall health of the job market take population into consideration. The unemployment rate, or the share of people who don't have jobs, has never reached a record low during Trump's presidency.

“San Francisco … has become like a slum. It’s a slum.”

Trump often derides Democratic cities, especially Nancy Pelosi's home base of San Francisco. It's frequently rated one of the most beautiful cities in America.

“[Biden] felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in. But that was from the section of China, too that was in such trouble.”

Biden said "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science." He did not call the decision to close travel xenophobic. Biden later used the word to refer to Trump's description of covid-19 as "China virus."
Even when Trump is blatantly joking, the left wingers slither to fact check it as fast as possible. Headlines often say FACT CHECKED or LIES and almost 99% of the time the actual fact checking falls along the line of not being verbatim to some other statement. This is what happens when the media is full of people with football player degrees.
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FDR who tried to end-run the Constitution and Congress by illegally packing the Supreme Court with his friends, put a whole race of Americans in concentration camps, tried to illegally nationalize several industries, placed journalists who disagreed with him in jail and called them traitors, and wanted to exert control over several autonomous countries and their people through force?

What is your definition of fascism?

Easy there Hogg just kicked him in the s@k
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