Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

The diplomatic flights dont worry me...they are sure to be met by the host countries' CDC equivalent. Welcome to quarantine. I would hope that our CDC has already taken samples from the infected persons and are involved with trials using the HIV anti viral drugs to try and kill it. I read where these trials were being done to see what will kill this pathogen...we need to figure that out like yesterday...
So they are taking your money and lying about this as well?

Well, I mean, thus would be some of the potential perils of booking from sites like Kayak and Skiplagged. I don't see the January 30th flight referenced on the previous page as available directly via Air China, so I really don't think there's some kind of conspiracy afoot wherein commercial flights to Wuhan are being surreptitiously offered.
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The diplomatic flights dont worry me...they are sure to be met by the host countries' CDC equivalent. Welcome to quarantine. I would hope that our CDC has already taken samples from the infected persons and are involved with trials using the HIV anti viral drugs to try and kill it. I read where these trials were being done to see what will kill this pathogen...we need to figure that out like yesterday...

I know nothing about manufacturing such, but to do so and vaccinate 300M would take a gargantuan effort if even possible in a limited timeframe. Not to mention it is mutating already, but at least it would probably make cases more mild.
Kind of boggles my mind this is not the headline and most talked about news topic. This is potentially the biggest healthcare crisis in 100 years. Like it is just an afterthought. Gotta cover that stupid ass impeachment sheet.
I know nothing about manufacturing such, but to do so and vaccinate 300M would take a gargantuan effort if even possible in a limited timeframe. Not to mention it is mutating already, but at least it would probably make cases more mild.

I agree and dont think a vaccine is possible. From what I read they were testing antiviral drugs to see how to kill it in those already infected with drugs already avaliable... though not in sufficient quantities to treat many millions....
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I agree and dont think a vaccine is possible. From what I read they were testing antiviral drugs to see how to kill it in those already infected with drugs already avaliable... though not in sufficient quantities to treat many millions....

Gotcha. You said antiviral and I was thinking vaccines. Sorry.
Kind of boggles my mind this is not the headline and most talked about news topic. This is potentially the biggest healthcare crisis in 100 years. Like it is just an afterthought. Gotta cover that stupid ass impeachment sheet.

The coronavirus is a novelty. More people in the US have the flu, which at this point appears to be deadlier and moving faster than the coronavirus.

It's from somewhere else, it's new, and we haven't been burnt out on coverage from it yet. This shall pass.
No worries friend. Just trying to figure it all out like everyone else. Hope we are all wrong about this bug and it doesnt become the Spanish flu (which was H1N1...currently prevalent here for flu season) plague of the 21st century...
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No worries friend. Just trying to figure it all out like everyone else. Hope we are all wrong about this bug and it doesnt become the Spanish flu (which was H1N1...currently prevalent here for flu season) plague of the 21st century...
I heard an interview with an academic/medical professional this morning, I believe from Baylor, saying they were already working on a vaccine for it.
No worries friend. Just trying to figure it all out like everyone else. Hope we are all wrong about this bug and it doesnt become the Spanish flu (which was H1N1...currently prevalent here for flu season) plague of the 21st century...
Had H1n1. Didnt realize it was the spanish flu.

Mother effer was the worst I have ever been sick.
Had H1n1. Didnt realize it was the spanish flu.

Mother effer was the worst I have ever been sick.

My family did too...crazy that exact strain of influenza killed what 50 million people? Medicine has come a long way, as far as antibiotics to treat secondary infections and antivirals like Tamiflu.... as well as our immune systems have luckily been exposed to more.

From what I have read and discussed with my aunt who is a UT grad masters Virologist/microbiologist.... the deadliest flu seasons come like the spanish flu did when no strain that is even similar has been around for decades. This leads to the entire population having immune systems that have never encountered anything similar, so they dont respond like they should or could. People like you who have had H1N1 before are much less likely to get it this year, and if you did manage to, your body is well prepared to beat it. This is why the flu is so deadly to children, their immune systems dont know how to recognize and fight the pathogen having not seen it before. The elderly are always at risk due to weakened health and immune systems...even though they likely have encountered the pathogen before.

Nobody except maybe a former SARS patient is likely to have any luck with their immune system being prepared for this new coronavirus. Especially with the speed at which it is said to be mutating. I really hope these reports are somehow wrong about how deadly this bug is.
Kind of boggles my mind this is not the headline and most talked about news topic. This is potentially the biggest healthcare crisis in 100 years. Like it is just an afterthought. Gotta cover that stupid ass impeachment sheet.
I agree. I think all media outlets are being silent to reduce the probability of mass panic.

If there was ever a time to stock up on food, water, and ammo, it's now.
I heard an interview with an academic/medical professional this morning, I believe from Baylor, saying they were already working on a vaccine for it.

Saw that posted elsewhere but that is just wishful thinking IMO. I means SARS and MERS have been around since 2002 and 2012 and we still don't have a viable vaccine or even treatment options for them other than supportive care but we're going to magically come up with one with a brand virus in 3 months?
The coronavirus is a novelty. More people in the US have the flu, which at this point appears to be deadlier and moving faster than the coronavirus.

It's from somewhere else, it's new, and we haven't been burnt out on coverage from it yet. This shall pass.
I already posted this, but according to the current data, more people have died from this than survived it at this point that we know of. Now there are people still fighting it, so maybe they’ll beat it and those stats will change, but as of this morning something like only 49 people have beaten it and are no longer hospitalized.
I went straight to the source (CDC) on this. They've got a solid write-up on the timeline of the outbreak and spread, as well as protocol being taken. BNO makes the situation appear much more dire than the CDC itself does, and the fact that BNO didn't link to source material also has me scratching my head.

Novel Coronavirus 2019 Situation Summary, Wuhan, China | CDC

Check this for the BNO posts they have a tracker with source links for what they are posting:

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline
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The coronavirus is a novelty. More people in the US have the flu, which at this point appears to be deadlier and moving faster than the coronavirus.

It's from somewhere else, it's new, and we haven't been burnt out on coverage from it yet. This shall pass.
People like you thinking like this is dangerous as fk.
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Saw that posted elsewhere but that is just wishful thinking IMO. I means SARS and MERS have been around since 2002 and 2012 and we still don't have a viable vaccine or even treatment options for them other than supportive care but we're going to magically come up with one with a brand virus in 3 months?
I agree.
The coronavirus is a novelty. More people in the US have the flu, which at this point appears to be deadlier and moving faster than the coronavirus.

It's from somewhere else, it's new, and we haven't been burnt out on coverage from it yet. This shall pass.
Interesting take, and I hope you're right.

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