My family did too...crazy that exact strain of influenza killed what 50 million people? Medicine has come a long way, as far as antibiotics to treat secondary infections and antivirals like Tamiflu.... as well as our immune systems have luckily been exposed to more.
From what I have read and discussed with my aunt who is a UT grad masters Virologist/microbiologist.... the deadliest flu seasons come like the spanish flu did when no strain that is even similar has been around for decades. This leads to the entire population having immune systems that have never encountered anything similar, so they dont respond like they should or could. People like you who have had H1N1 before are much less likely to get it this year, and if you did manage to, your body is well prepared to beat it. This is why the flu is so deadly to children, their immune systems dont know how to recognize and fight the pathogen having not seen it before. The elderly are always at risk due to weakened health and immune systems...even though they likely have encountered the pathogen before.
Nobody except maybe a former SARS patient is likely to have any luck with their immune system being prepared for this new coronavirus. Especially with the speed at which it is said to be mutating. I really hope these reports are somehow wrong about how deadly this bug is.