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WHO Warns You May Catch Coronavirus More Than Once — Bloomberg

I’m shocked. Things appear to be improving: less deaths, more active disease testing, more antibody titer testing, possible treatments and even vaccines are being studied.

And here comes the WHO. “Not so fast, my friends!!” Here’s some more fear we can instill to the global community!!

We get it...getting and recovering may not be lifelong immunity. I wonder what they would suggest? Just keep everyone locked up until there is zero risk of anyone ever getting infected again??

This is my question. All the drama and fear and what not....well what in the actual F would be their suggestion?
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They would follow him even if trump didn’t exist.... They don’t care that he is caught up in the me too stuff or that he is a pretty pathetic excuse for a politician..... just look at the black face stuff.... they tried to cancel everyone that had any sort of black face moment in their history until it was a democrat governor...

So, you think Trump would be the better option in regards to any of the things you just flung against the wall?
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So, you think Trump would be the better option in regards to any of the things you just flung against the wall?
I do like trump much better than Biden.... I’m glad the democrats chose Biden bc he doesn’t worry me like some of their other potential candidates.... he is pretty useless but overall fairly harmless.
I don’t care if you call out trump.... several of his issues deserve calling out but you definitely lean democrat or are you claiming that you can like trump and not be a republican?
I definitely lean left, on almost all things except for gun control. And sure you can be a republican and not back Trump, but as Romney has shown you’ll be ostracized for it.
For both sides of the Trump debate, here's a word for word transcript
“I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.”
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I definitely lean left, on almost all things except for gun control. And sure you can be a republican and not back Trump, but as Romney has shown you’ll be ostracized for it.
Romney is an extremely mentally weak individual.... he was when he ran for president and he is now.... he is not someone I respect but have no issue with anyone criticizing trump.
I do like trump much better than Biden.... I’m glad the democrats chose Biden bc he doesn’t worry me like some of their other potential candidates.... he is pretty useless but overall fairly harmless.

Fair enough, considering I think you might be sincere in that belief.
No. I wish we could slow down the rpm here to help you out.

The D party is abysmal. Thus, I'd vote for most anyone that isnt them, that can beat them.

Now ask another question that shows how lost you are.
Still deflecting. What qualities and qualifications does she have that you like? Other than not being a Dem what has she done besides have a rich daddy that wants to bang her?
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I honestly haven’t heard about a Dem nominee saying that. Obviously it’s wrong, but a totally different level if a president does it. And yes I would be in favor of impeachment if a dem president did the same thing.

Also I’m not happy about Biden being the nominee, he’s creepy af, and it’s very telling that a lot of the people backing the #metoo movement are silent when it comes to Biden, some even going as far as to delete tweets about it.

I’m probably closer to being libertarian than republican or democrat.
So you haven't heard then VP Biden bragging about holding the Ukranian Government hostage on TV? Dude, you and lothlo need to get together.
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Still deflecting. What qualities and qualifications does she have that you like? Other than not being a Dem what has she done besides have a rich daddy that wants to bang her?

Since Trump is getting up there in years, you'd think he'd choose her as his VP. You know, just to ensure the dynasty remains in tact.
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Still deflecting. What qualities and qualifications does she have that you like? Other than not being a Dem what has she done besides have a rich daddy that wants to bang her?

That isnt a deflection. It doesnt matter. I'd vote for a poodle if it keeps the global warming, college loan forgiveness, reparations party of the WH.

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