Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

So the email I got from Lamar Alexander saying they didn’t allow witnesses to speak because they didn’t need anymore proof that Trump did what he was accused of means nothing?

Admitting the obvious when it affects Trump negatively = RINO. Identity politics has screwed over the GOP to the point they might as well start from scratch.
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Admitting the obvious when it affects Trump negatively = RINO. Identity politics has screwed over the GOP to the point they might as well start from scratch.

I actually chuckled at this because its one half ridiculous, half ignorant, and half lunacy.

Just like Algore and Manbearpig

This nut actually makes sense every now and then.

I would love to see a side by side analysis of NYC vs. Tokyo. The people in Tokyo are more on top of each other than NYC and it would be very interesting to see what they did different if anything. It would be interesting to see the amount of testing that has been done, the age demographics and how they are counting CV deaths. I am pretty sure that Japan has a healthier population as a whole because of their diet, I have heard that hypertension is the main pre-existing condition that this virus feasts off of. Does Japan have a less amount of people who have hypertension?

This could be a study that really helps us moving forward.
I am, they want to test everyone. We have had pulmonologists pulling the doctor in charge of the ER into admin meetings about their differential diagnosis. Guys having a heart attack, clear cut, nothing to do with corona. That want too test him.... No absolutely not was critical cares response.
Our hospital does the right thing to. That’s why we have only had 1 CoVid death marked
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Trying to compete with the onion??😂😂

If there’s no one on either side of the aisle that doesn’t like a political figure with that much power ( governor ) on or off the record ... every single one of them should be replaced . They are worthless to the people they represent .
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Medical people dont work Sundays during pandemics?

World numbers are really low today. NY/NJ number combined today is over a hundred less deaths than NY alone from previous day.

Very low numbers from Sweden, UK, Italy, Spain, etc. compared to previous day.
The original NIH projections were not that far off. The 100 to 200 thousand deaths were being ridiculed as being absurd. Those projections were showing 82 thousand by August. Is there still anyone claiming that those numbers are just way off?

I think it comes down to people being desensitized, but they're holding up and ridiculing the March projections as if it makes their case for some colossal overreaction.

It comes down to how you can get the numbers you projected to come to pass . It has nothing to do with the regular people and everything to do with how the guidelines are set up to count the deaths . I can predict there will be at least 2 million deaths from Covid this year or there will be only 200 in the US if I am allowed to count them the way I want to .

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