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There there feel better now? Stop the dodge. Name the names of your family members who it will be ok with you if they die

You’re not good at deflection. Respond to the point made

I would hate for any of my family to die. But I have zero control over death and neither do you. So to use a great movie quote, get busy living or get busy dying.
There there feel better now? Stop the dodge. Name the names of your family members who it will be ok with you if they die

You’re not good at deflection. Respond to the point made

It’s a stupid exercise. I will start by saying this virus is far worse and more deadly then the flu. But if we shut everything down for the flu we would reduce flu deaths each year. So who in your family are you willing to see die because, I assume, you wouldn’t advocate for shut downs over that.

Have reasonable conversations. Don’t try to argue like that. It’s stupid and unproductive. I myself have done it.
Cheap steroid cures COVID 19.

Texas Doctor Claims to Have a Silver Bullet for COVID-19

Bartlett has purportedly treated high-risk patients, as soon as symptoms materialized, for the last three months. Bartlett says he’s treated dozens of patients with COVID, and he claims a 100% survival rate so far.

After working as an emergency room doctor for 28 years and at further various West Texas clinics recently, Dr. Bartlett has developed and utilized a plan to help those affected by COVID-19 with an inhaled steroid called Budesonide, which has been used for years to help with asthma. Per the Doctor, quoted by, “the treatment plan is inhaled, generic budesonide. Using some generic antibiotics to protect from a secondary bacterial infection. Using zinc, which interferes with virus replication. It’s common sense. It’s intuitive.” Bartlett claims his patients report immediate relief. The FDA has not approved Budesonide for use in treating COVID-19.
There there feel better now? Stop the dodge. Name the names of your family members who it will be ok with you if they die

You’re not good at deflection. Respond to the point made
Lol they don’t have to worry because literally thousands of things are more likely to kill them other than Covid. It’s so low we barely have had any deaths in the area
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This surge has been going on for a decent while now. The lack of response of death curves to the rise in cases is more than just lag. It’s a combination of: percent rise in cases is higher than percent rise in infections, treatment is better than it was 2-3 months ago, and for now the age distribution of the infected favors higher survival rates.

I did see discussion today that the lag between cases and deaths - to the extent that they occur - may be longer now due to lead time bias. Much earlier detection shifting the timeline from where it was in April.
Well that’s right. 130,000 out of 340,000,000 is insignificant. But that statement is insignificant. The appropriate statistic calculus is 130,000 deaths out of 2,700,000 cases. That is 4.8 %. And that is inaccurate because the deaths lag. If you could cap the cases at 2,700,000 it would take 2 weeks to 3 months to shake out the actual number of deaths

That broadway actor who died today was I. The hospital for 90 days

You running for office? Why else deny truth?
And the flu kills like 3.8% of those infected by that math.

My God. This is why I should have saved those posts.
That article is high in political talking points and low on actual data . Here I’ll write an article for you but include a couple of facts ... “ some “ hospitals in in Oklahoma hit max capacity in their ICU beds . One of the hospitals had 9 beds With three covid patients , the other three hospitals had between 8-11 beds but 5 of those were being used for non Covid illnesses. Your article is junk .
It's bad when someone is worse at reporting than the Tampa Bay Times. This article from Patch is just pretty much a rehash of this one written on the 4th. Four Pinellas hospitals completely out of ICU beds . Notice the section that reads they can quickly be expanded should the situation require them to. Hospitals are in business to make money and save lives, they kinda go hand in hand. If they do not have ICU beds close to capacity, their doors will not be open for long. In the future, at least use the Times to support your narrative and not a rag called Patch.

I am angry as all get out with this policy. I am obviously no Dr, but putting these patients in homes with the elderly was criminal. Everyone knew the elderly statistics early on as was well as the obvious impact of a any disease with the elderly. It borders on criminal intentionality or stupidity as I really cannot see any other rationale. If I was a family member of the deceased, I would be apoplectic.

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