Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Do you think the number of cases of coronavirus in the US is over or below the current 3.37 million positive tests?
The number is much higher in my opinion. Early on there were not enough tests for everyone that had significant symptoms. Now we continue to see significant "positives" in people who've been required testing but display no symptoms.
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Do you think the number of cases of coronavirus in the US is over or below the current 3.37 million positive tests?

Current? Below.

Of those 3.4 million tests, approximately 1.7 million are active, 1.5 million have recovered, and about 15k have required hospitalization and 137k have died.

And that is counting all deaths, regardless of if the patient died “of” or “with” COVID.

Again, total positive cases is a stupid metric without any context. Viruses spread, got it.
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half a percent of 330 Million, want to try again?

Yep. My math was off. 1.6 million. Forgot to take my shoes off. I stand corrected.
Busy day here. Has DeSantis addressed the problem in FL with all the hospitals and labs not reporting their negatives??? That's skewing the positivity rate big time.
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Publishing false information?
No..... the overwhelming amount of studies start with hypothesis and the person doing uses a set of criteria which proves his hypothesis correct....The person doing study will typically leave out variables that would disprove the hypothesis. Nothing to do with politicals or covid.... I use to argue with my co-workers what was healthy versus not healthy...... They would bring me study after study that I could disprove in about 5 minutes..... My favorite was that diet drinks made people fat..... the study just asked people if they drink diet drinks..... A lot of fat people drink diet soda so it made the claim the diet soda made them fat.....the study ignored the fact that these people ate huge portions and sugary snack foods all day long.
The Sheriff doesn't make the laws, he enforces them. While he's welcome to question the constitutionality of any law, when he fails to enforce a duly-passed ordinance, he's failing his job. Period.

Seems the Nazis in Nuremberg used a similar defense. Just following orders.
Seems the Nazis in Nuremberg used a similar defense. Just following orders.

Heh. That's a stretch, my friend. Equating a Sheriff's enforcement of a mandatory face mask to (literally) a Nazi's hands-on extermination of millions of people ain't even in the universe, much less the same ball park.

Selective enforcement by LEOs is akin to PFCs telling their Drill Seargeant, "Nahh... I really don't feel like doing 20. I think that's a violation of my constitutional rights. Thanks anyway, Sarge!" [gives kiss on cheek].
So based on a 7-day rolling average of new hospitalizations per 1M people, Georgia is currently the highest in the country at 17. Florida is currently at 13, Arizona 11, Tennessee 7, South Carolina 6. Compare to New York at its peak of 148, Connecticut 329, and New Jersey 245. Just a little perspective
Heh. That's a stretch, my friend. Equating a Sheriff's enforcement of a mandatory face mask to (literally) a Nazi's hands-on extermination of millions of people ain't even in the universe, much less the same ball park.

Selective enforcement by LEOs is akin to PFCs telling their Drill Seargeant, "Nahh... I really don't feel like doing 20. I think that's a violation of my constitutional rights. Thanks anyway, Sarge!" [gives kiss on cheek].

Strange that you didn't feel this way during the riots.
New York peaked at less than 11,000 cases a day. Florida is now we'll above that. Yes, those infected are younger. Yes, our treatments are now better. Yes, there will be fewer deaths than what we saw in New York. But the idea that this is all just "fear porn" is BS unless you think hundreds, if not thousands, of additional deaths in FL is just fear porn.
Irrelevant. Testing amount is not the same nor is availability. Early on the suggestion was actual infected population was significantly higher than tested because of the limited testing, which NYs outbreak was in the middle of. Be better EL.
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Heh. That's a stretch, my friend. Equating a Sheriff's enforcement of a mandatory face mask to (literally) a Nazi's hands-on extermination of millions of people ain't even in the universe, much less the same ball park.

Selective enforcement by LEOs is akin to PFCs telling their Drill Seargeant, "Nahh... I really don't feel like doing 20. I think that's a violation of my constitutional rights. Thanks anyway, Sarge!" [gives kiss on cheek].
Your buddy is back lol

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So, you're willing to simply sacrifice .5% of the entire US population? That's about 1.6 million (edit) dead people. Shall we start with your parents?
Both of my parents are already dead. But, I don’t really care about yours or your overly emotional appeal. I’d much rather have unemployment back down below 4% and the economy growing by 5%+ per quarter.

A strong US economy is in the world’s best interest. More people will die of starvation and crime driven by extreme poverty than will ever die of CV19.
Strange that you didn't feel this way during the riots.

..It’s because the left is batsh!t crazy ...
..Wear the masks or get fined ( it’s the right thing to do ) .
.. people rioting isn’t a concern because they have some that have on masks oh and they are outdoors .
... only high numbers of positive Covid cases really matter .
.. well NYC didn’t have any deaths from Covid
.. Democratic leadership has no responsibility for bad things that happen in urban cities , only the good things .
... Minneapolis Mayor - Can we have $500 million for the bad things you Republicans allowed to happen ? NYC - we need 1 billion because of your bad Republican government . don’t need guns that’s stupid , just call the police . They are the only ones that need guns .
.. we are defunding and disbanding the police .
.. BatSh!t Crazy !!!

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