Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Yep...... they got the fear porn going and then it went away bc it wasn’t newsworthy any more..... that’s what makes me so curious.... I’m seeing an extremely high percentage of cases with no to extremely mild symptoms.....I wish there was a way to know what the real data is.
This is exactly why Obama and the CDC stopped testing with Ebola. There’s absolutely no way to accurately capture the data and, as they said back then, they already knew it was a pandemic. This push for testing is not helping things at all. We can’t possibly test everyone every day so why are we so concerned about testing everyone? It’s an impossible standard and is setting us up to fail before we ever start which leads to more doubt and fear. The only people needing tests are those showing symptoms or those that must work with people susceptible to the virus, period. All I know is Dems certainly can’t claim Trump failed by not having enough tests when they were fine when Obama said not to test.
No, dude, the pandemic is costing people their livelihood. When the pandemic is over, people can regain their livelihood. When people die during the pandemic, not so much.

Money comes and goes. Jobs and businesses come and go. People are more important than stuff. And that is what this all boils down to.
Tell that to the black family that just moved into my neighborhood. First in their families to own a home, They think they and their children have a great future.
This is exactly why Obama and the CDC stopped testing with Ebola. There’s absolutely no way to accurately capture the data and, as they said back then, they already knew it was a pandemic. This push for testing is not helping things at all. We can’t possibly test everyone every day so why are we so concerned about testing everyone? It’s an impossible standard and is setting us up to fail before we ever start which leads to more doubt and fear. The only people needing tests are those showing symptoms or those that must work with people susceptible to the virus, period. All I know is Dems certainly can’t claim Trump failed by not having enough tests when they were fine when Obama said not to test.
I agree we need to be counting the sick not the positive tests while going above and beyond to protect the elderly
Dude was emphasizing the declining death rate during the surge. Everyone with half a brain knew that was irrelevant to a discussion about what should be done NOW with respect to covid policy. He was using that statistic to argue all the hubbub about covid was "fear porn" and that we should move forward just as we are (i.e., with a full reopening).
The death rate is still falling and I get it you're going to say just wait a month or 2 months but the fact is none of those things have happened yet.

Is the virus real? Yes

Should we take precautions? Yes

Should we lockdown until it goes away or until a cure is found? Hell No

Am I going to take my family to Disney tomorrow? Lol no, be smart but I'm not going to shame anyone who does as that's their choice.

Why is going to Disney any different than going to protest?

Why is going to school a huge no while sending taking kids to protest accepted?

We're going to have to learn to live with the virus until it goes away or a cure is found. It seems all locking down did was delay what was certain to happen and that people are going to catch it. But if Faccui is so confident in remdesivir then it shouldn't be an issue other than the fact they stand to make well over a billion dollars off of the drug.
I could always kill other people.

If I were to text and drive, drink and drive. Get the flu and pass it to someone else. Or any communicable disease.

I had mengitus in the past, I could theoretically spread that to other people.

Risk is always out there.

You've simply proven my point.

Texting and driving. Illegal.
Drinking and driving. Illegal.
Catch a flu or communicable disease. Self-isolation.
CV19 prevention. Wear a mask.

This is all common-sense stuff.
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It is fear porn and we should move forward with the reopening

New York peaked at less than 11,000 cases a day. Florida is now we'll above that. Yes, those infected are younger. Yes, our treatments are now better. Yes, there will be fewer deaths than what we saw in New York. But the idea that this is all just "fear porn" is BS unless you think hundreds, if not thousands, of additional deaths in FL is just fear porn.
Jesus your positive case total posts are stupid. Surely you aren’t that stupid and are trolling at this point? Daily positive case totals are just about the most worthless stat in this debate. It doesn’t tell us one damn thing about how bad this is. And that is assuming you actually believe these numbers to be anything close to accurate.

Hospitalization rate, total active cases, deaths, etc are better.
That's all the Rona Bros have right now is Florida...25% of new cases are there..yet they had a total of 130 hospitalized out of 70k cases last week and their death rate drops daily
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Tell that to the black family that just moved into my neighborhood. First in their families to own a home, They think they and their children have a great future.

You've never lost your job? Consider yourself lucky (and an exception) if this is the case.
The death rate is still falling and I get it you're going to say just wait a month or 2 months but the fact is none of those things have happened yet.

Is the virus real? Yes

Should we take precautions? Yes

Should we lockdown until it goes away or until a cure is found? Hell No

Am I going to take my family to Disney tomorrow? Lol no, be smart but I'm not going to shame anyone who does as that's their choice.

Why is going to Disney any different than going to protest?

Why is going to school a huge no while sending taking kids to protest accepted?

We're going to have to learn to live with the virus until it goes away or a cure is found. It seems all locking down did was delay what was certain to happen and that people are going to catch it. But if Faccui is so confident in remdesivir then it shouldn't be an issue other than the fact they stand to make well over a billion dollars off of the drug.

Wasted breath on a lockstep liberal . I understand though , I do it with luther . Lol
No, because during a pandemic, other people's behavior can adversely affect (Read: Kill) us all. You are no more or less important than everyone else.
Don’t you have to be within 6 feet of someone for more than 10 minutes? Other than riding in a car or in your house, how often does that actually happen? It’s possible at work depending on your arrangement but even most offices have you more than 6 feet apart in cubicles.
It's (1) a good indicator of whether spread is increasing or decreasing, (2) shows where hot spots are, and (3) provides info that can be used for planning, etc. It's also a rough indicator of what we'll see in terms of deaths and hospitalizations at a later date, which feeds into (3).
The problem is you’re assuming these are people that haven’t had it and just got it when they were tested. For all you know, they’ve had it for weeks. The total US deaths was, what, 320 yesterday? Looks like things might not be spiking quite like MSM said. Time will tell.
You've simply proven my point.

Texting and driving. Illegal.
Drinking and driving. Illegal.
Catch a flu or communicable disease. Self-isolation.
CV19 prevention. Wear a mask.

This is all common-sense stuff.
So then you agree the last 2 should be personal choice, not a legal requirement. I agree.
It's (1) a good indicator of whether spread is increasing or decreasing, (2) shows where hot spots are, and (3) provides info that can be used for planning, etc. It's also a rough indicator of what we'll see in terms of deaths and hospitalizations at a later date, which feeds into (3).

Wrong wrong wrong. Total active cases is the better indicator of where we are and where we are headed. It’s also the better indicator of hotspots. Total positives is backwards looking. You don’t want to post active cases and hospitalizations and deaths because it is near as bad looking.

Your posting a worthless stat and on top of it not even interpreting correctly. This is dumb.
Wrong wrong wrong. Total active cases is the better indicator of where we are and where we are headed. It’s also the better indicator of hotspots. Total positives is backwards looking. You don’t want to post active cases and hospitalizations and deaths because it is near as bad looking.

Your posting a worthless stat and on top of it not even interpreting correctly. This is dumb.

When deciding whether to make a tee time this weekend it's not wise to look at the extended forecast for the weekend. Do I got that right?
It is fear porn and we should move forward with the reopening

Please, by all means, onward and upward, sir!

You can do your vital part by flying to the next Trump rally.


Oh... one minor reminder. Don't forget to sign the required CV-19 (hoax) liability waiver form necessary to attend all Trump Rallies.
The positivity rate was down yesterday, by a good margin as they tested 100K so what makes him wrong for saying this?

This doesn't make him wrong for saying it, per se, but I think the conclusion could be wrong. It seems some labs have a habit of rapidly reporting positives to the state authority, but batching negatives over time and reporting them together. I am suspicious that yesterday was a day where a lot of those negatives were dropped. I could be wrong on that, but otherwise its difficult to explain such a surge in "testing". If principle, this means that the negatives would have actually been spread out over time, lowering the % positives from earlier. But, because it is only 100k tests, it doesn't lower it that much. My 7-day running average percent positive for FL still sits around 20%. It is really that trend that should be used to base judgments upon. If I'm wrong and we see more consecutive 100k testing days with 11% positive, then that trend will move quickly down.
Can they get unemployment if they are not technically unemployed? If their job is open, they should not be allowed to collect unemployment. Doesn't the subsidy end 7/31?

My plant has 30% of hourly workers claiming to have been around someone that test positive, they are told to stay home for 2 weeks and the company files the unemployment. No proof or test results required.

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