Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Trump retweet today SIAP

Chuck Woolery

The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it.
10:17 PM · Jul 12, 2020

Per Jeff Foxworthy:

If you believe any of this, you might be a conspiracy theorist.

Deaths will effect at worse .5% of our population.

Job loss induced poverty is effecting 18% of our work force population currently.

You are also ignoring all the various impacts that come from this Covid stuff. We are seeing an uptick in medical deaths due to people not going to the hospitals due to the Covid risk. How do you account for those? Suicides due to job loss, how do you account for those? People not able to get quality of life treatments while everything is shutdown? Drug and alchohol use always go up during recessions, how do you account for those lives lost or further ruined beyond money?

You pretend like life stopped and literally the only thing happening is Covid.

So, you're willing to simply sacrifice .5% of the entire US population? That's about 1.6 million (edit) dead people. Shall we start with your parents?
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New York peaked at less than 11,000 cases a day. Florida is now we'll above that. Yes, those infected are younger. Yes, our treatments are now better. Yes, there will be fewer deaths than what we saw in New York. But the idea that this is all just "fear porn" is BS unless you think hundreds, if not thousands, of additional deaths in FL is just fear porn.
I work in healthcare..... I get fed fear porn daily and it doesn’t match what I see happening with my own two eyes...... what % of these 12,000 cases are actual sick individuals..... I am seeing an enormously high % of cases without any significant symptoms at all..... Also the death count you mention..... I want to know how many die with covid versus how many die bc of it.... I might change my mind if the stats were presented in a way we could trust.
Please, by all means, onward and upward, sir!

You can do your vital part by flying to the next Trump rally.


Oh... one minor reminder. Don't forget to sign the required CV-19 (hoax) liability waiver form necessary to attend all Trump Rallies.
I don’t attend trump rallies but I will gladly sign one and go mask free to a UT football game to party with 100 thousand of my closest friends.
So, you're willing to simply sacrifice .5% of the entire US population? That's about 16 million dead people. Shall we start with your parents?
half a percent of 330 Million, want to try again?
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Trump retweet today SIAP

Chuck Woolery

The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it.
10:17 PM · Jul 12, 2020

Per Jeff Foxworthy:

If you believe any of this, you might be a conspiracy theorist.

View attachment 292692
That answer would not work as the I in "air" isn't shown. The funnier answer is the correct one.
Please, by all means, onward and upward, sir!

You can do your vital part by flying to the next Trump rally.


Oh... one minor reminder. Don't forget to sign the required CV-19 (hoax) liability waiver form necessary to attend all Trump Rallies.
Sitting right next to someone for hours indoors is nothing like passing someone casually in a store yet you keep dancing around that fact. So when are you within 6 feet of someone for more than 10 minutes? Your house and your car. When else?
It’s odd that people put so much emphasis on positive test results in a system where confirming correct data across the board , seems to be damn near impossible .

Do you think the number of cases of coronavirus in the US is over or below the current 3.37 million positive tests?
New York peaked at less than 11,000 cases a day. Florida is now we'll above that. Yes, those infected are younger. Yes, our treatments are now better. Yes, there will be fewer deaths than what we saw in New York. But the idea that this is all just "fear porn" is BS unless you think hundreds, if not thousands, of additional deaths in FL is just fear porn.
How many test per day to result in the 11K NY cases. Had the testing been as available the numbers would have been what? Just talked with a friend whose son spent the weekend back in March with a buddy who tested positive the week after he left, the son didn't have enough symptoms so he was never tested.
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