Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

What I cannot abide are those Trump supporters who go mask-less and armed into businesses which post their requirement for wearing masks in order to enter. If you believe in freedom and the American way, then you damned well better support a business person's right to conduct their business as they see fit. If they require you to wear a mask to enter, and you don't want to wear a mask, take your money somewhere else. Patronize those businesses which accommodate you. THAT is the American way.

When you don your MAGA hat and sidearm or long gun to deliberately enter a business in violation of their posted policies, you're not helping anyone. You're not advocating anything. You're attempting to provoke a response which cannot benefit anyone - not you, not others who think as you do, not the business owner or employees, not a soul. You may be in violation of State or local ordinances and subject to arrest (local control is advocated by the Republican Party). Worst case, you provoke a violent response to the perceived threat you pose. Stand your ground and other laws would protect a business operator who put you down.

Are you as unable to abide when a looter enters a business sans mask even when the business is closed? Is your issue only with the MAGA mob?
Have a little office quandary. My office manager Karened our mailman last Thursday for showing up without a mask after our idiot county mayor issued his mask order. So no mail Friday and after no mail yesterday I went to the post office to drop mail and find out WTF and that's when they told me about the Karen call. Turns out USPS can't make their carriers wear a mask if they don't want to and if he refuses to wear a mask he doesn't have to go into buildings that require a mask.

So I'm pissed at my office whiner for being a Karen but since this is a federal .gov employee I feel I should make a stink since they can refuse to wear a mask and do their job. What to do?
Yep. It fall under two things. No real dress code, and no wearing of anything that could be considered a respirator without training first.
They don't have to work, we just won't pay them. They are funded by the taxpayer which means they're a servant of the people, same as police, firefighters etc. if they don't want to work then don't pay them.
That was literally a headline this morning when I watched HLN. I thought it was a little over the top.
Ah, so the 35k dead in NY is because they didnt wear masks, didnt social distance, etc? Got it. Makes sense, NYC is total Trump territory.

Considering that their peak infections likely occurred around 3/23 or so and we were just getting testing ramped up then and realizing we had a problem - in some ways, yes....there problem was they were going about completely business as usual while the virus was raging around them and they didn't have the death signal yet to realize it was out of control. They ran the experiment that the rest of us listened to.
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He had his little rant and won't be back.
That's fine. I understand the content in @Tin Man 's two posts in this thread.

I don't see how an objective person could say the issue is politicized on one side of the aisle. To me, it has been politicized on both sides. And continues to be politicized. The vids of MAGA mobsters acting a fool are disappointing (if not staged). The vids of mask-less folks robbing, looting, and assaulting others are equally disappointing.
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Considering that their peak infections likely occurred around 3/23 or so and we were just getting testing ramped up then and realizing we had a problem - in some ways, yes....there problem was they were going about completely business as usual while the virus was raging around them and they didn't have the death signal yet to realize it was out of control. They ran the experiment that the rest of us listened to.

You don't offer much opine. You typically stick with data.

From your seat, does it seem the intention of social distancing and masking changed mid stream?
Sigh, folks seem to forget this...Congress can override a Presidential veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate. (Usually an act is passed with a simple majority.) This check prevents the President from blocking an act when significant support for it exists.
Then force them to.
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Then force them to.

I don't know why but it still is a bit befuddling when Rs supporters give R politicians a pass for spending. The folks posting here who do so are good people. Likable. I agree with them on many other ideas.

Spending, deficits, and debt may be the most successfully marketed concepts in our history. We have adopted the belief that those aren't an issue when "our" guy does it. But those are a monumental issue when the "other' guy does it. When Biden wins, it will be nice to welcome the deficit hawks back into the fold.
Anyone surprised?

Goodness...something seems off here. On Volquest a poster over there said his wife and a co-worker went to get tested, they filled out the paperwork but got tired of waiting so left before they had the test. Then they both got a message that they tested positive......and who says Trump can't ramp up the testing? LOL
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I don't know why but it still is a bit befuddling when Rs supporters give R politicians a pass for spending. The folks posting here who do so are good people. Likable. I agree with them on many other ideas.

Spending, deficits, and debt may be the most successfully marketed concepts in our history. We have adopted the belief that those aren't an issue when "our" guy does it. But those are a monumental issue when the "other' guy does it. When Biden wins, it will be nice to welcome the deficit hawks back into the fold.
Sacred cow principle also applies to the butcher as well
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Goodness...something seems off here. On Volquest a poster over there said his wife and a co-worker went to get tested, they filled out the paperwork but got tired of waiting so left before they had the test. Then they both got a message that they tested positive......and who says Trump can't ramp up the testing? LOL

Someone posted that here too.
I heard yesterday from experts not the ones that are ordered from Pres Trump to lie that there won’t be a really approved working vaccine until late 2021
I heard yesterday from experts not the ones that are ordered from Pres Trump to lie that there won’t be a really approved working vaccine until late 2021
You don't offer much opine. You typically stick with data.

From your seat, does it seem the intention of social distancing and masking changed mid stream?

Yes, it did. Initially the idea was to flatten the curve so we didn't overwhelm the medical system. There was no doubt about that.

Our lack of testing, long incubation periods, high percentage of asymptomatic cases, etc. led us to falsely believe that this virus spread much, much faster than it actually does (don't get me wrong, this guy can spread - but we were seeing folks show up in hospitals so fast that at first it appeared that severe case spread was incredibly fast...and now we understand that differently). So, at that time, our only hope to keep from a mass-death situation was to flatten the curve once we realized we had a severe outbreak.

But, then we realized over time that this wasn't a US-wide outbreak....and that spread was much slower in some regions of the country - and overall slower than we thought from our initial testing ramp because there were actually a lot more cases walking around than we realized.

We were also getting more and more data from countries that seemed to be getting through their death wave and then seeing healthy case drop with quarantine.

I think this is when the narrative changed from flatten the curve to quash the virus. While some of that could be political (it is really difficult to say what the main driver is, IMO), some of it is simply because we then realized just how possible it was. Countries that strictly adhered to distancing were seeing numbers get low enough that active testing and contact tracing could then actually get a grip on the virus and keep things in decent check. We'll see if that continues to play out that way as they move back into winter, but it can be stamped out to some degree and not just tolerated with a flatten the curve mentality because the R0*%sympotomatic is just smaller than we realized.

So, now you have competing approaches state by state. Some areas are aiming at driving to zero, others just want to live with it and slow burn deaths, while trying to avoiding overwhelming systems (which in less populated areas appears to be quite possible even with fairly regular commerce). I'm worry with as much interstate commerce as we have that these various approaches are going to cause problems.

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