11 alive, local Atlanta news, posted 2 stories this morning. First was on the bike rally at Sturgis, and of course everybody is gonna die because they can call most of them trumpers. They're all gonna take the virus, kill grandma, cause they're selfish, and meh trump. About an hour later they posted a second story, about a bike rally from some black group travelling city to city in protest of police brutality. Not as large of course as Sturgis, but still a crowd, and they gather crowds where they're going. Wanna guess how much the corona was mentioned in the later story? How many people were commenting about them being selfish, and gonna kill grandma? Here's the thing, some of us do take this crap seriously, but are sincerely tired of the political crap behind it, like these two stories. Either the virus can spread in all crowds, or that's all bull crap. You can't preach, "stay at home, can't go to church, can't go on vacation", then turn around and cheer mass gatherings of protesters, and try to claim that doesn't spread anything. It doesn't work that way, period. It's not that some of aren't concerned, we're tired of the hypocrisy. Can't have it both ways, because you know, science.