1&2. The protests were entirely outdoors, your chances of picking up covid 19 are less than sitting shoulder to shoulder inside a building with an AC system cycling your respiration back around the building. I personally wouldn't risk it by attending a protest or a mass-gathering religious service indoors, but I also see no problem with allowing outdoor events if people were observing social distancing and masking up.
3. Yes, because we have compulsory education in this country, and as long as the government can jail you for not sending your kid to school, they have to accept responsibility for their safety while in their care.
4. I personally would have banned protesting en masse as well. I personally do not believe there are any grounds to allow them to occur under the same auspice of public health that is used to limit participation in other forms of non-protest gathering.
(5.)That being said, I believe that protesting is wholly different than the rioting and looting that was referenced in the
post that I responded to this morning, and the existence of rioting and looting has no bearing on whether or not it is safe for children to return to school, which is what
@Volsfaninva917 was trying to insinuate with his post.