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To even mention that dipsh*t f*cktard Trump-a$$-kissing Vandy-loving sportsbetting handicapper in the same sentence as Bill Gates is an insult to dipsh*t f*cktards everywhere!

Bill Gates boosts fight against virus that threatens three billion
December 13, 2003

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has donated £27m (£16m; €22m) to step up the fight against a debilitating virus that kills one in three of its victims.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation this week announced funding for a five year programme to combat Japanese encephalitis, the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.

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Of note, what was Clay Travis doing around 2003/4 you ask?

"...He attracted media attention in late 2004 with his personal blog written while he was living in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A Tennessee Titans fan, Travis was unable to get NFL Sunday Ticket, the satellite TV package to watch NFL games in the islands, and went on a "pudding strike", eating only pudding every day for 50 days, with the goal of forcing DirecTV to carry the package in the Virgin Islands.[3] The effort failed, but he blogged about the experience and received media attention.[4][1]"

Yep. Travis is a dyed-in-the-wool, egocentric, egotistical, blowhard Trumpster through and through.

Me? I'll take a decent, upstanding billionaire whose donating his entire fortune to charities.

He donated money almost two decades ago=doctor. Seems legit.
Dont forget flame throwers, and self driving cars.

And he created demand for products of his that otherwise wasnt selling thru true market sources. I can respect that crap out of that.

I would much rather have Elon be our billionaire overlord than gates. He at least does cool stuff with his power. So while we may still end up as human Guinea pigs, we will be able brag about it.

I agree .
I don’t feel too bad at present... just like my allergies are bothering me without a bunch of drainage. My daughter tested positive earlier this week, but only felt bad a day and a half.... headache/body aches...this prompted me to get I’ve got a low grade fever and just a hint of body aches. Under normal circumstances I’d be doing something other than laying around but I don’t want to be a typhoid Carl.
Have you lost your sense of smell?
To even mention that dipsh*t f*cktard Trump-a$$-kissing Vandy-loving sportsbetting handicapper in the same sentence as Bill Gates is an insult to dipsh*t f*cktards everywhere!

Bill Gates boosts fight against virus that threatens three billion
December 13, 2003

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has donated £27m (£16m; €22m) to step up the fight against a debilitating virus that kills one in three of its victims.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation this week announced funding for a five year programme to combat Japanese encephalitis, the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.

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Of note, what was Clay Travis doing around 2003/4 you ask?

"...He attracted media attention in late 2004 with his personal blog written while he was living in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A Tennessee Titans fan, Travis was unable to get NFL Sunday Ticket, the satellite TV package to watch NFL games in the islands, and went on a "pudding strike", eating only pudding every day for 50 days, with the goal of forcing DirecTV to carry the package in the Virgin Islands.[3] The effort failed, but he blogged about the experience and received media attention.[4][1]"

Yep. Travis is a dyed-in-the-wool, egocentric, egotistical, blowhard Trumpster through and through.

Me? I'll take a decent, upstanding billionaire whose donating his entire fortune to charities.

You? Good luck with pudding boy.


You don’t have a clue if Gates is decent and upstanding , you are a media suck that believes whatever you are fed . Just because the worlds richest men are giving away money, doesn’t mean they are decent and upstanding . That just means they allowed you to see them doing it . What aren’t you allowed to see ?
You don’t have a clue if Gates is decent and upstanding , you are a media suck that believes whatever you are fed . Just because the worlds richest men are giving away money, doesn’t mean they are decent and upstanding . That just means they allowed you to see them doing it . What aren’t you allowed to see ?

Heh. Yeah, you always hear alot about jerks giving away their billions.

You're 100% right. What a dick Bill Gates is.

Here's 83 pages of recipients of his donations:

Awarded Grants

What a bunch of self-centered donor recipients. THE NERVE! "Hospital for Sick Children". Yeah, right! Probably a liberal left-wing conspiracy to take your guns!

Clearly, we need more "decent and upstanding" people like Donald J. Trump and his genius wife #3.
Heh. Yeah, you always hear alot about jerks giving away their billions.

You're 100% right. What a dick Bill Gates is.

Here's 83 pages of recipients of his donations:

Awarded Grants

Clearly, we need more "decent and upstanding" people like Donald J. Trump and his genius wife #3.

Ladies and Gentlemen...Seems we have a new definition of what an "upstanding" person is. (And here I thought that it was us Conservatives that valued money so much.)
Heh. Yeah, you always hear alot about jerks giving away their billions.

You're 100% right. What a dick Bill Gates is.

Here's 83 pages of recipients of his donations:

Awarded Grants

Clearly, we need more "decent and upstanding" people like Donald J. Trump and his genius wife #3.

It’s the Bill and Melinda Gates FOUNDATION . Why do you think all the billionaires or want to be billionaires have foundations ? Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation , Warren Buffet , Jeff Bezos , Donald Trump . I think we’ve found your button , you love you some Bill Gates . Lol
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It’s the Bill and Melinda Gates FOUNDATION . Why do you think all the billionaires or want to be billionaires have foundations ? Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation , Warren Buffet , Jeff Bezos , Donald Trump . I think we’ve found your button , you love you some Bill Gates . Lol

There is something seriously wrong with you. You're criticizing a man who's giving away virtually his entire fortune to charity.

Take a sec.

Think about that.
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There is something seriously wrong with you.

I’m not the one hanging on BGs sac . I’m a realist with common sense . You can’t be that powerful , that wealthy , that , we will say .. ..”determined to change the world and make it be what you believe is right and still be , Decent “ . The history of this world is full of people with that much power and every story reads the same way . Oh and they aren’t giving all their money away to CHARITY
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How many lies are you going to propogate Monte before the truth of this hits you in the face? It is no longer a pandemic. It is less than a flu season now. I'm seeing and hearing on the ground the testing is returning about 95% negative. Those positive stay on oxygen, get meds and are discharged home.
You discount what freedom means. The value of what being an individual who chooses their own fate and lives their daily life not being interfered with. Right now certain Americans are being told where they can go, how they have to go there, business's are closed left and right. If they want to reopen, they are given an impossible task of social distance, masks and limited numbers. That is government interference in the top level. They threaten their license if they don't comply.
We are so far past a pandemic but yet we seem to be amping up more precautions. Any reasonable person would expect those precautions to pull back when numbers drop precipitously as they have since April. I'm talking about the stats that count, hospitalizations and deaths. The system will not be overwhelmed. Apparently the extra beds sent to areas "that were swamped" weren't needed. The virus is finishing its course.
Half the time I don't wear a mask at work. I don't mask in business's in Virginia anymore. I'm Not interested in having my right to life, liberty and my pursuit of happiness interfered with an a grand sweeping level anymore. I'm not harming anyone else so anyone with the
" let's kill grandma" attitude can suck it.
So you need to explain to me how it's justifiable to listen to, seek out and propagate such utter ******** about Bill Gates and Harvard, who do not give a **** about your personal freedom, but would seek to limit it further and push the agenda of mandatory vaccines for money. I have a big problem with the .gov telling me I have to inject something in my body without knowing what's in it and the long term consequences. I also have a problem with Mandatory vaccines to the general population because half these people who just acquiesce with out knowledge show an attitude that my body isn't precious enough to protect. It's the only one we have.
You can be a pin cushion both mentally and physically if you want to, I choose to question.
Bill Gates permanently altered the lives of young women and men with his giardasil injections. Neurologically damaging teenagers. He's damaged untold and documented 10's of thousands of children with the application of 10 polio vaccines a year to children in India, who's parents didn't know their children were guinea pigs. Now they have paralysis and India is suing the gates foundation. The damage is done.
You have joined the ranks of sycophants for the msm driven agenda of fear and emotions. Do you actually research these foundations you are touting? You will see they don't give a damn about you or me or children in foreign counties. Bill Gates would eliminate both our lives to meet his population reduction plan. He has enough money to be extremely dangerous and has proven that. It's not like he's keeping it a secret.
Do everyone a solid. Stop taking stories, meant to ping the heart and feelings, at face value. Garbage in, garbage out.

Why do you say deaths have dropped precipitously since April, given we increased from June through July (or even hospitalizations, which while now dropping, rose appreciably in July)?
Tell her that if she stops believing in the "hoax" it will come back immediately according to VolNation's resident epidemiologist @508mikey .

Or you can hide inside with a mask on , turn on the TV to listen to Fauci and all of your problems magically disappear . According to all the expert loving liberals .

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