Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I don’t have billions or I would , keeps the nasty little government grabbers from getting it . Billionaires giving away money is like bees making honey , it happens every single day of the year . That in no way takes away from what I said . That same man would force the masses to take a vaccine by any means necessary if he could , simply because he thought we should . Bill Gates talking about freedom ... 😂
Pritzker keeps his billions
Probably already discussed but this survey shows how the media hype and fear mongers have led to misperceptions in the public. So much for the "listening to the science" claim.

Ignorance About Covid-19 Risk Is 'Nothing Short of Stunning,' Research Report Says; Huge Age Variance – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

Here's the original write up

On My Mind: They Blinded Us From Science

The Dem rallying cry - "We believe in science!"

Actual facts - "Those who identify as Democrats tend to mistakenly overstate the risk of death from COVID-19 for younger people much more than Republicans....Our study results show that those who overstate deaths among young people are more cautious about making purchases, more reluctant to travel, and favor keeping businesses and schools shut."
Hope you feel better quickly.
I don’t feel too bad at present... just like my allergies are bothering me without a bunch of drainage. My daughter tested positive earlier this week, but only felt bad a day and a half.... headache/body aches...this prompted me to get I’ve got a low grade fever and just a hint of body aches. Under normal circumstances I’d be doing something other than laying around but I don’t want to be a typhoid Carl.
"Almost 800,000 people around the world have already died from COVID-19, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University and Microsoft MSFT, 0.72% co-founder Bill Gates predicts that “the worst is still ahead” and the death toll will ultimately rise by millions.

Emerging markets, where health-care systems and economies are already struggling, is where the pain will be most pronounced, he explained in a recent interview in the Economist.

But the U.S. is dealing with its own unique set of issues, as politics and conspiracy theories have contributed to what he said has been a disappointing response. Why? In the name of freedom.

‘We believe in freedom, individual freedom. We optimize for individual rights.’

According to Gates, Trump supporters have wielded “freedom” to make a political statement that continues to complicate the U.S. response to the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, for instance, is one way for them to signal their anger and resistance.
How many lies are you going to propogate Monte before the truth of this hits you in the face? It is no longer a pandemic. It is less than a flu season now. I'm seeing and hearing on the ground the testing is returning about 95% negative. Those positive stay on oxygen, get meds and are discharged home.
You discount what freedom means. The value of what being an individual who chooses their own fate and lives their daily life not being interfered with. Right now certain Americans are being told where they can go, how they have to go there, business's are closed left and right. If they want to reopen, they are given an impossible task of social distance, masks and limited numbers. That is government interference in the top level. They threaten their license if they don't comply.
We are so far past a pandemic but yet we seem to be amping up more precautions. Any reasonable person would expect those precautions to pull back when numbers drop precipitously as they have since April. I'm talking about the stats that count, hospitalizations and deaths. The system will not be overwhelmed. Apparently the extra beds sent to areas "that were swamped" weren't needed. The virus is finishing its course.
Half the time I don't wear a mask at work. I don't mask in business's in Virginia anymore. I'm Not interested in having my right to life, liberty and my pursuit of happiness interfered with an a grand sweeping level anymore. I'm not harming anyone else so anyone with the
" let's kill grandma" attitude can suck it.
So you need to explain to me how it's justifiable to listen to, seek out and propagate such utter ******** about Bill Gates and Harvard, who do not give a **** about your personal freedom, but would seek to limit it further and push the agenda of mandatory vaccines for money. I have a big problem with the .gov telling me I have to inject something in my body without knowing what's in it and the long term consequences. I also have a problem with Mandatory vaccines to the general population because half these people who just acquiesce with out knowledge show an attitude that my body isn't precious enough to protect. It's the only one we have.
You can be a pin cushion both mentally and physically if you want to, I choose to question.
Bill Gates permanently altered the lives of young women and men with his giardasil injections. Neurologically damaging teenagers. He's damaged untold and documented 10's of thousands of children with the application of 10 polio vaccines a year to children in India, who's parents didn't know their children were guinea pigs. Now they have paralysis and India is suing the gates foundation. The damage is done.
You have joined the ranks of sycophants for the msm driven agenda of fear and emotions. Do you actually research these foundations you are touting? You will see they don't give a damn about you or me or children in foreign counties. Bill Gates would eliminate both our lives to meet his population reduction plan. He has enough money to be extremely dangerous and has proven that. It's not like he's keeping it a secret.
Do everyone a solid. Stop taking stories, meant to ping the heart and feelings, at face value. Garbage in, garbage out.
I don’t feel too bad at present... just like my allergies are bothering me without a bunch of drainage. My daughter tested positive earlier this week, but only felt bad a day and a half.... headache/body aches...this prompted me to get I’ve got a low grade fever and just a hint of body aches. Under normal circumstances I’d be doing something other than laying around but I don’t want to be a typhoid Carl.
What if its negative and you are sick?
How many lies are you going to propogate Monte before the truth of this hits you in the face? It is no longer a pandemic. It is less than a flu season now. I'm seeing and hearing on the ground the testing is returning about 95% negative. Those positive stay on oxygen, get meds and are discharged home.
You discount what freedom means. The value of what being an individual who chooses their own fate and lives their daily life not being interfered with. Right now certain Americans are being told where they can go, how they have to go there, business's are closed left and right. If they want to reopen, they are given an impossible task of social distance, masks and limited numbers. That is government interference in the top level. They threaten their license if they don't comply.
We are so far past a pandemic but yet we seem to be amping up more precautions. Any reasonable person would expect those precautions to pull back when numbers drop precipitously as they have since April. I'm talking about the stats that count, hospitalizations and deaths. The system will not be overwhelmed. Apparently the extra beds sent to areas "that were swamped" weren't needed. The virus is finishing its course.
Half the time I don't wear a mask at work. I don't mask in business's in Virginia anymore. I'm Not interested in having my right to life, liberty and my pursuit of happiness interfered with an a grand sweeping level anymore. I'm not harming anyone else so anyone with the
" let's kill grandma" attitude can suck it.
So you need to explain to me how it's justifiable to listen to, seek out and propagate such utter ******** about Bill Gates and Harvard, who do not give a **** about your personal freedom, but would seek to limit it further and push the agenda of mandatory vaccines for money. I have a big problem with the .gov telling me I have to inject something in my body without knowing what's in it and the long term consequences. I also have a problem with Mandatory vaccines to the general population because half these people who just acquiesce with out knowledge show an attitude that my body isn't precious enough to protect. It's the only one we have.
You can be a pin cushion both mentally and physically if you want to, I choose to question.
Bill Gates permanently altered the lives of young women and men with his giardasil injections. Neurologically damaging teenagers. He's damaged untold and documented 10's of thousands of children with the application of 10 polio vaccines a year to children in India, who's parents didn't know their children were guinea pigs. Now they have paralysis and India is suing the gates foundation. The damage is done.
You have joined the ranks of sycophants for the msm driven agenda of fear and emotions. Do you actually research these foundations you are touting? You will see they don't give a damn about you or me or children in foreign counties. Bill Gates would eliminate both our lives to meet his population reduction plan. He has enough money to be extremely dangerous and has proven that. It's not like he's keeping it a secret.
Do everyone a solid. Stop taking stories, meant to ping the heart and feelings, at face value. Garbage in, garbage out.

No doubt, you know more than Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates combined.

Let's chat again after the 2nd wave hits like a ******* freight train in October/November.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
- George Santayana

No doubt, you know more than Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates combined.

Let's chat again after the 2nd wave hits like a ******* freight train in October/November.

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Wasn't that second wave overdue like they predicted? The only reason there was a bump was because they tried to flatten the curve. It only delayed the inevitable virus path.
Yes, I'm sure Bill Gates and Gucci have been in units treating patients since the beginning moron.
He is far more informed than the President
I would be interested in your proof for that.

I have no doubt Gates is informed. He has and will make a TON of money on vaccines. He was likely an influence that has prevented the use of HCQ in the US and the inability of Harvard scientists to release a quick result test that would enable people to self-quarantine BEFORE becoming contagious. If you don't understand how huge that is... the virus could be completely gone in no more than a month if people knew they were infected and self-quarantined before being contagious.

But for some reason... the same FDA devoted to fast tracking vaccines being pushed by Gates... cannot come up with an approval pathway for these tests that would cost less than $1 each. For $15/person... the virus could be gone.

I don't know what's wrong with Trump or if he even knows about this. You can be sure that Gates... does.
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