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Bill Gates:

“I rate the chance of a widespread epidemic, in my lifetime, as well over 50 percent,” he told Ezra Klein in 2015. “Something like the Spanish flu in the modern day — health systems are far better, so you think, okay, that wouldn’t be very bad. What we showed [when infectious disease researchers working with the Gates Foundation modeled the scenario] was that the force of the infection, because of modern transport ... within days, it’s basically in all urban centers of the entire globe.”

Clay Travis (2015):

"I like the Bucks over the Bulls +8."
Omg... You are such a nuthugger
You do realize that the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health, Lisa Piercey, was appointed by Bill Lee, a Republican, and that the state house and senate are both overwhelmingly Republican controlled, right?
Bill Lee sucks. He’s shown that he is in over his head.
You do realize that the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health, Lisa Piercey, was appointed by Bill Lee, a Republican, and that the state house and senate are both overwhelmingly Republican controlled, right?
(R) or (D) does not determine whether you are an incompetent fool, or not.
Where did he mention political party?

He didn't, but considering that, in this forum at least, it seems to be a commonly-held belief among professed republicans that Covid 19 is a Decocratic Party/Liberal Media/NWO-Globalist agenda designed to keep President Trump from being reelected, I wondered if he realized that from top to bottom the state government of Tennessee is Republican-controlled.
School District Making Parents Sign Waiver Agreeing Not To Monitor Virtual Instruction

A school district in Tennessee is asking parents to sign a form agreeing not to monitor their children’s virtual classrooms over concerns that “non-student observers” could overhear confidential information.

The form, a copy of which was sent to the Tennessee Star, reads: “RCS strives to present these opportunities in a secure format that protects student privacy to the greatest extent possible, however, because these meetings will occur virtually RCS is limited in its ability to fully control certain factors such as non-student observers that may be present in the home of a student participating in the virtual meeting.”

The agreement goes on to “strongly discourage” “non-student observation of online meetings due to the potential of confidential information about a student being revealed,” and while it does not specifically say that parents may not be present while their child is participating in virtual instruction, it does say that a “violation of this agreement may result in RCS removing my child from the virtual meeting.”

The agreement, of course, raised parents’ interest, according to the Tennessee Star, particularly given that the agreement implied items of interest might be being discussed in classrooms without parents’ knowledge.

School District Making Parents Sign Waiver Agreeing Not To Monitor Virtual Instruction
Just jiving ya man. Prayers fir you and your family.
It feels like about 10:00 a.m after a wild ass night.... after you’ve got up and realized you’re still alive and managed to eat something, pop some Tylenol..... you’re better than when you first woke up.... but still only functioning at about 85%
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He didn't, but considering that, in this forum at least, it seems to be a commonly-held belief among professed republicans that Covid 19 is a Decocratic Party/Liberal Media/NWO-Globalist agenda designed to keep President Trump from being reelected, I wondered if he realized that from top to bottom the state government of Tennessee is Republican-controlled.

Giving most of your money away = tax shelter.

Hell has a spot for you chump.

Considering her stance on the use of mathematics to extrapolate the severity of a viral outbreak, it's not surprising in the least that she doesn't understand the concept of an actual 'tax shelter', or even that she most likely has one herself in the form of a 401k account.

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