To even mention that dipsh*t f*cktard Trump-a$$-kissing Vandy-loving sportsbetting handicapper in the same sentence as Bill Gates is an insult to dipsh*t f*cktards everywhere!
Bill Gates boosts fight against virus that threatens three billion
December 13, 2003
Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has donated £27m (£16m; €22m) to step up the fight against a debilitating virus that kills one in three of its victims.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation this week announced funding for a five year programme to combat Japanese encephalitis, the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.
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Of note, what was Clay Travis doing around 2003/4 you ask?
"...He attracted media attention in late 2004 with his personal blog written while he was living in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A
Tennessee Titans fan, Travis was unable to get
NFL Sunday Ticket, the satellite TV package to watch
NFL games in the islands, and
went on a "pudding strike", eating only pudding every day for 50 days, with the goal of forcing
DirecTV to carry the package in the Virgin Islands.
[3] The effort failed, but he blogged about the experience and received media attention.
Yep. Travis is a dyed-in-the-wool, egocentric, egotistical, blowhard Trumpster through and through.
Me? I'll take a decent, upstanding billionaire whose donating his entire fortune to charities.
You? Good luck with pudding boy.