Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Biden just now figured out that J&J was coming out with a vaccine so now he says we can get everyone vaccinated by May. Duh. He's just now figuring out that there's more than Moderna and Pfizer?

Biden says U.S. will have enough COVID vaccine supply for all adults by end of May

I listened to the speech. It was mainly propaganda: firmly re-establishing alignment with teachers unions, giving false reasons for the immediate passage of a bill that doesn’t really help immediately, and a plea to continue doing what is right and only listening to them.

On the bright side, I was glad to see and will give credit for the J&J/Merck agreement to produce more vaccines and for some of the other resources being tapped for delivery of those vaccines.
I listened to the speech. It was mainly propaganda: firmly re-establishing alignment with teachers unions, giving false reasons for the immediate passage of a bill that doesn’t really help immediately, and a plea to continue doing what is right and only listening to them.

On the bright side, I was glad to see and will give credit for the J&J/Merck agreement to produce more vaccines and for some of the other resources being tapped for delivery of those vaccines.
It's a grand thing that we've got a federal system and states are telling this asshat to shove it.
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Texas will be interesting to watch. Entertainers needing to make money via concerts will have to balance that desire with being perceived as unwoke by doing something so selfish.

Probably start with "benefit" concerts.
Science doesn't work by saying I have a theory, now prove me wrong and if you don't my theory is right. It takes the data as presented and tries to find a theory to accommodate it. The theory that best explains the data is accepted until another theory comes along that better explains it. A theory doesn't obtain credence until it can explain the data. Your herd immunity theory hasn't explained s**t yet.

The poorest NYC have the highest antibody rates in NYC (well north of 30% ... as of this summer!) yet continue to show a high level of community spread. All age groups in NYC are now testing at over 30% with antibodies ... and those numbers include all the rich neighborhoods where infection rates have never been out of control. Can you show me parts of Texas that have higher rates than Corona Queens, which is likely over 50% at this point, yet still testing out around 10% positive on daily COVID tests.

The European experience tells us that a moderate third wave will likely come (see Germany, Italy and France's current trend line). That's why it's great that Joe is crushing it on vaccine distribution. The more shots in arms we get, the greater likelihood we have to mitigate or even avoid that third wave.
Biden hasn’t done squat with distribution. The Feds (Joe’s plan) haven’t been vaccinating. It’s still been the states (Trump’s plan).
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Texas will be interesting to watch. Entertainers needing to make money via concerts will have to balance that desire with being perceived as unwoke by doing something so selfish.

Probably start with "benefit" concerts.
I don't see what's selfish about it. It takes a ton of people to put on a concert. And there's a lot of union folks affected by the complete lack of shows. Security, bar staff, stagehands, teamsters, ushers, etc. Not including the people working at companies that deliver beer or concessions and those that work around the venue. And if you don't want to go just stay under the bed and hope the rona doesn't find you in your dreams.
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So in Texas the state mandates are lifted however Governor Abbott acknowledges local leaders have the option to require mandates and automatic regional mandates kick in if hospitalization rates cross certain thresholds.

But I haven’t worn a mask outdoors in Texas ever even in public places. I did when going into stores as that was the mandate and it just causes the stores a hassle if you make a scene.

I was in Home Depot last weekend and realized in checkout I had forgotten my mask. I offered to go get it and the clerk said no big deal but offered me one if I wanted one. I declined and she didn’t care. Nobody cared.
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It's been 100% effective against hospitalizations and death. So you are more likely to feel ill for a few days from catching the virus. But the big picture is what matters.

If your only choice is J&J then it’s not a bad option. Agree on the bigger picture. I wonder if the COVID vaccines will require boosters every year? We know influenza mutates every year. I wonder if COVID will be the same?

Hopefully those who get the vaccine realize that after they get it, there is no reason to be tested for COVID again.
Texas will be interesting to watch. Entertainers needing to make money via concerts will have to balance that desire with being perceived as unwoke by doing something so selfish.

Probably start with "benefit" concerts.
Florida has been pretty open as well. Hopefully other state leaders find their balls soon.
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J&J vaccine not as effective as Pfizer and Moderna.
That is not exactly true. They were tested in different times and environments. JnJ was tested with multiple variants in play that the other two did not face at the time of their testing. The comparison is not apples to apples. Reports indicate the first two vaccines would not have had as high an efficacy if the variants were factored. Also, that reported efficacy is at a set point in time. It would be interesting to see efficacy at longer dates of measurement.
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I don't see what's selfish about it. It takes a ton of people to put on a concert. And there's a lot of union folks affected by the complete lack of shows. Security, bar staff, stagehands, teamsters, ushers, etc. Not including the people working at companies that deliver beer or concessions and those that work around the venue. And if you don't want to go just stay under the bed and hope the rona doesn't find you in your dreams.

This will be the perception among their leftist friends. Btw, I am all for selfish anyway.
So I'm seeing pushback (once here and now on Fox) about having students fill out a survey daily regarding symptoms to receive a "passport" to return to school

We've been using this system since August and while occasionally a pain in the ass I see no problem with asking someone to report if they have symptoms to identify who might be a good candidate for testing.

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