Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

No. EL doesn’t want TX reopening to work out. His posts in this thread prove that he revels in fear porn and reports Covid deaths, even if they are tangential in nature, with barely concealed glee. When TX is successful, you won’t hear anything from EL.

I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.
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This is a vaccination site or a photo shoot?

1. Locking down huge chunks of the nation
2. Forcing digital learning on most schools
3. Shutting down most entertainment
4. Banning large gatherings
5. Encouraging karen enforcement
6. Requiring face masks to enter businesses or take mass transit ( talk about targetting minorities)
7. Making enough masks for the nation
8. Creating a nation wide Covid testing program.
9. Creating at least 4 new vaccines and developing new therapeutic treatments
10. Distributing those same vaccines under some pretty strict requirements (cooling)
11. Paying people and business not to work
12. Nationwide ban on evictions

All of that wasnt too much to ask. But:

1. Cleaning up our masks

That one thing suddenly makes you question the logistics?
Gtfooh. Freaking two faced karen.

Seems like any where with medical waste could already be centralized collection points. Hosipitas, private doctor offices, dentists, any imaging centers, pharmacy's (including walmart or CVS types), quick care shops. Just put a mask bin outside.

If you want more start populating government buildings with them.

This says 40 to 80 bucks a month. Medical Waste Cost: What Are You Spending on Medical Waste Disposal |.

I think Pakistans new gender studies program would be enough to cover that.

Cant believe this is what you are saying is a bridge too far, lololol.
The point is that it would have taken proactive measures, and money for state and local governments. We all know that was never going to happen. So if you think it should, write a letter to your elected leaders.
I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.

I'm going to guess it'll be like all the others states with and without masks mandates. Well, maybe not NY and CA.
Is that you, Septic? The "U mad bro" response already? Sorry your argument sucks, chief. 😂

"We're talking facts" but you keep engaging with conjecture.
I’m trying to assess if you’re gullible or just disingenuous in believing that there have been zero cases at your school.
I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas.FREEDOM is king.
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I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.
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I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.

Of course there will be another wave. Yet the death rate will still be low. Survival rate will still be 98-99%. See your problem all along is you have been focusing on the number of positive cases. That’s an irrelevant statistic. Death rate is the only thing that matters.
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Inside UK's top-secret Porton Down lab where plague, Covid and nerve agents are held

Having opened in 1916 in response to Germany's creation of Chlorine Gas, the UK's developed its 'War Experimental Station' a 'top secret' government laboratory that has since housed some of the world's most deadly substances

Nestled amongst rolling hills of English countryside, Porton Down's stunning surroundings give little hint at the deadly secrets it holds.

The armed guards and police surrounding the high-containment scientific facility in Wiltshire however, certainly do.

From vials of plague, where a few drops alone could kill hundreds of thousands, to coronavirus variants being tested for transmission rates and vaccine response - the 7,000 acre site, better known as Porton Down, is one of the most secure and secretive in the country.

Inside UK's top-secret Porton Down lab storing plague, Covid and nerve agents
I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.

define wave - how many do you see in this chart from Texas?

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