Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That research is not peer reviewed and the comments hold valid critiques

I agree with most, if not all, the critiques. Unfortunately there is really no way to do a true randomized study. There are just too many variables affecting any data that may be gathered. So, how would one prove a null hypothesis that masks do not make a difference compared to not masking? All while controlling for all the other variables which include every other non-pharmaceutical intervention.
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I agree with most, if not all, the critiques. Unfortunately there is really no way to do a true randomized study. There are just too many variables affecting any data that may be gathered. So, how would one prove a null hypothesis that masks do not make a difference compared to masking? All while controlling for all the other variables which include every other non-pharmaceutical intervention.

I'd say the most telling thing about the mask question is that there simply isn't strong evidence they made a significant difference. Even the study that was hailed as proof of the need for masks showed pretty small effects (slight slowing of the growth rate of infections).

If everyone properly wore N95 equivalent masks then the impact could have been greater but as we know, people wore all sorts of face coverings which have questionable at best impact.

The other confound is social distancing - masks and social distancing have considerable overlap in terms of protection. Do masks add any significant protection in social distance situations? Again, controlled experiments would be required to determine this.

So in close contact, proper masking was probably important. In socially distanced situations, masking probably didn't do much unless it was a poor ventilation area. In socially distanced situations outdoors, masks were likely worthless.
Wonder why the 22 page paper by the two scientists, talking about the amino acids not being in nature, is set to be published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery?

Welcome to the world of journal publication, where a journal will publish papers with controversial information to spur further inquiry and encourage more research.

It makes little sense to the uninitiated, but it's a viable way to promote deeper inquiry.
Pardon the aside, but I am really enjoying the increase in informed discussion in this thread. People with serious disagreements and data to back up their position, having mature discussions where positions are treated seriously and data is used to reply. And none of these people are named calling or using epithets.

It gives me hope. I wish more of our discussions were like this.
Pardon the aside, but I am really enjoying the increase in informed discussion in this thread. People with serious disagreements and data to back up their position, having mature discussions where positions are treated seriously and data is used to reply. And none of these people are named calling or using epithets.

It gives me hope. I wish more of our discussions were like this.

... Ahhh shaduuup .
250 million? You got your finger on the trigger and you say no to saving 250m lives?

Where do you get such a scenario? Why is the POTUS responsible for my life in regards to a virus?

Why can I not lockdown on my own choosing without he or some governor telling me to?
Pardon the aside, but I am really enjoying the increase in informed discussion in this thread. People with serious disagreements and data to back up their position, having mature discussions where positions are treated seriously and data is used to reply. And none of these people are named calling or using epithets.

It gives me hope. I wish more of our discussions were like this.

Butt kisser.
Where do you get such a scenario? Why is the POTUS responsible for my life in regards to a virus?

Why can I not lockdown on my own choosing without he or some governor telling me to?
I think it’s called “ I’m sick, I’m staying home” millions of people have done it for a very long time.
So I take it we are back to wash your hands, protect the vulnerable, don’t touch your face, if you are sick stay home. Good common sense stuff that wouldn’t have caused the economic meltdown.
I’m not underplaying how bad covid was for those who ended up in ICU with it. It was bad.
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Would those of you not in support of lockdowns be in support of protections for the immunocompromised to prevent them from losing their jobs or wages in the event of another pandemic type event?
I was rather specific. That those susceptible to infection or otherwise immunocompromised be allowed to lock down during the period of the outbreak without loss of wages or employment.
Well hands on people with other people are not the same as someone who can do their job via Internet. If they can do their job via Internet great. If they risk compromising themselves being around others then what do you propose we do?
Well hands on people with other people are not the same as someone who can do their job via Internet. If they can do their job via Internet great. If they risk compromising themselves being around others then what do you propose we do?

Those who can work from home, work from home. Those who can't should be given appropriate work by their employer that can be done at home. If the employer cannot provide that work, they must continue to pay and employ the worker until such time as work can be provided or the employee can return.

And I use my mom's definition of what to do when compromised: no grocery store, no ball games, don't be seen outside. Enjoy your delivery. If you muck up and post on Tweety or Facezine about your trip to Cancun while you're quarantining, bye bye job.
I was rather specific. That those susceptible to infection or otherwise immunocompromised be allowed to lock down during the period of the outbreak without loss of wages or employment.

Who pays for those lost wages? The company or the gov't? Small companies can't afford to pay for employees not to work
Those who can work from home, work from home. Those who can't should be given appropriate work by their employer that can be done at home. If the employer cannot provide that work, they must continue to pay and employ the worker until such time as work can be provided or the employee can return.

And I use my mom's definition of what to do when compromised: no grocery store, no ball games, don't be seen outside. Enjoy your delivery. If you muck up and post on Tweety or Facezine about your trip to Cancun while you're quarantining, bye bye job.

If the employer gets a tax credit, OK, but otherwise, you risk bankrupting an employer
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Who pays for those lost wages? The company or the gov't? Small companies can't afford to pay for employees not to work

The richest country in the history of the planet can't find ways to take care of their ill and immunocompromised. At some point we have to put aside ideological purity and do what is right for those who cannot help themselves.

Allow them to sign up for temporary disability, then.
Out of curiosity, how many lives would need to be saved before you supported lockdowns?

That number does exist. I see where you are trying to take this discussion because you want to be able to say "is X number of lives worth saving with a lockdown". But as we have seen over the last year, the cure can be just as bad as the disease with these lockdowns breaking up businesses, families, growing suicide and homicide rates, etc.

A decision to lockdown should not be taken lightly.

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