Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Well the US does have a history of rounding up subgroups and putting them in camps or secluding them on reservations to get rid of them. It would be the Patriotic thing, right?
Again with a straight leap to hyperbole. No reason you cant decide to do that on your own to protect yourself.

Just like anyone anywhere. Its ultimately up to you and you alone to protect yourself. If you need special considerations it's up to you to see them thru.
In what way would you recommend we ensure the ill and immunocompromised are protected to survive another pandemic-like event without suffering financial catastrophe?
Find a job that fits your criteria?

What would people do in an actual life and death scenario?
Find a job that fits your criteria?

What would people do in an actual life and death scenario?
Our dry run for the zombie apocalypse shows the zombies winning easily in no more than 72 hours the time being mostly consumed by the time it takes the zombies to eat the brains of the people lined up for them. At least they won’t get much nourishment
Would those of you not in support of lockdowns be in support of protections for the immunocompromised to prevent them from losing their jobs or wages in the event of another pandemic type event?
Who would pay for those protections? Private entities or taxpayers?
Weren't these vaccines the product of the previous administration's Project Warp Speed?

Thank them both.

Biden did not do squat, yet took credit for it, so now take the consequence. It is a numbing political score.
Those who can work from home, work from home. Those who can't should be given appropriate work by their employer that can be done at home. If the employer cannot provide that work, they must continue to pay and employ the worker until such time as work can be provided or the employee can return.

And I use my mom's definition of what to do when compromised: no grocery store, no ball games, don't be seen outside. Enjoy your delivery. If you muck up and post on Tweety or Facezine about your trip to Cancun while you're quarantining, bye bye job.
So basically you want immunocompromised people to be a protected disability?
Covid Casino

You have 100 chips to distribute your bets across the following scenarios:

1. Original "animal to human" (eg. wet market) theory
2. Lab-leak theory with a virus naturally found in nature escaping via infection of lab personnel
3. Lab-leak theory with MODIFIED virus escaping via infection of lab personnel
4. Intentional release by Chicoms

My bets:

1. 10
2. 40
3. 40
4. 10

(is this worth a separate thread?)
3. 50
4. 50
What is going on in HK at the moment. Awful coincidence. Like a Reset
Dont know havent paid attention to China lately. But imo it was intentionally leaked as not only population control, but its also convenient that it happened at a time that there were mass protesting in Hong Kong as well. China couldnt/wasnt going to give anyone a heads up because then youre talking mass genocide by the Chinese government.
I also believe China's death count is low. Lastly, I believe the US death count is inflated due to hospitals being incentivized to treat COVID patients.

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