Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I won't lie. I already miss not being able to use the pandemic as an excuse with my wife as to why we shouldn't hang out with the neighbors. She made plans for us on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend.

I had to go to a wedding Saturday and the wife wouldn't buy the pandemic excuse.
I would call all of the above dumb.

I guess when the Tuskegee experiment happened, in one of the most racist regions no less, it was in preparation to poison the entirety of the American population some 80 years later.

Or maybe just the black population. Like when you go to get vaccinated, the person administering it takes out the "Black Vaccine" once they see the recepient is black. There is an entire sub system of COVID vaccines meant to poison black people. At a time in which the president, who was the VP of the first black president, who also has the most diverse cabinet in history, who also at the same time is pushing an agenda that would do more for minorities since the civil rights movement, is doing this.

Give me a break.
What is Biden going to do for the AA community that will be better than the money to HBCs/HBUs, the investment in opportunity zones, the record low AA unemployment, almost 8% increase in the median income for AAs, the criminal reform being pushed for by the AA for years, and more that Trump accomplished? Hell, Biden has ushered in a new push for segregation! Tell me what Biden is going to actually do that will top the things Trump did for AAs. Don’t give me the crap about feelings because of mean things the media claims he said. I’m talking policies and actions.
That's why IMO govenors like Abbott and DeSantis have no principles and are just pandering to a base.

But isn’t that what every single politician does? What politician doesn’t pander to its base? In all reality every presidential election we the people have two choices: douche or turd.
You all keep trying to make scientific arguments with data and stuff. This is about feels. And the CDC director feels like there's impending doom and the only solution is three masks and a shot.

Here is one of my main issues. Many consider Fauci and the CDC to be the de facto experts when it comes to infectious diseases. Why? Because of their training right? Because of the schooling they have had as well. Well why are other physicians who have the same qualified training and went to the same prestigious medical schools as Fauci, being silenced? Why are their opinions automatically discredited if they speak opposing views from Fauci?

This whole situation of if you don’t agree with Fauci you aren’t agreeing with science is creating a dangerous precedent in my opinion.
Here is one of my main issues. Many consider Fauci and the CDC to be the de facto experts when it comes to infectious diseases. Why? Because of their training right? Because of the schooling they have had as well. Well why are other physicians who have the same qualified training and went to the same prestigious medical schools as Fauci, being silenced? Why are their opinions automatically discredited if they speak opposing views from Fauci?

This whole situation of if you don’t agree with Fauci you aren’t agreeing with science is creating a dangerous precedent in my opinion.
It's never been about science. It's only been about an appeal to authority.

Ask for the science and all you get are quotes. Ask for data and you get some interview. Bring up the science they actually have and you get called a denier.
More BS from the CDC:

  • We do not know the exact source of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but we know that it originally came from an animal, likely a bat.
COVID-19 and Your Health

They know no such thing. This virus may have very well come from a Wuhan lab. How is our gov't still allowed to disseminate such BS in black and white?
Pandemic has ended. US is in complete recovery mode. So right on cue, Dr Flipflop is installing a new regime of fear porn to scare the people yet again.

Our mRNA vaccines are nearly 90% effective against this variant but Fauci is still crying

The grimmest news on the delta variant came recently through a study conducted by Public Health England. It found that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca are only 33% efficacious against the delta after one dose and 88% and 60%, respectively, after both doses.

Face With the Delta Variant, Remember: Vaccinations, Not Vaccines, Save Lives - The Wire Science

How do you like the fear mongering in the media calling 88% effectiveness "grimmest news"?
Pandemic has ended. US is in complete recovery mode. So right on cue, Dr Flipflop is installing a new regime of fear porn to scare the people yet again.
This is premature. We are recovering for sure and the warmer weather is playing a factor. Let's see what happens in the winter. Hopefully everyone gets vaccinated between now and then.
This is premature. We are recovering for sure and the warmer weather is playing a factor. Let's see what happens in the winter. Hopefully everyone gets vaccinated between now and then.

Is this effing serious? Warmer weather?

Hopefully everyone gets vaccinated?

You are playing this role on purpose.
Knox county cant find 10 cases a day and I see people driving in their car, alone, with a mask on.
Yep. I work at a gym and we dont require masks. I had one lady tell me today shes been vaccinated and still plans on wearing a mask, and will probably wear one for awhile. She wasnt old either. And then the amount of people who workout with one on because theyre "used" to it astounds me.

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