I thought the same to, then I realized most of my cohorts were repeating the cdc mantra word for word. They can’t even explain the shot itself or what it does in their cells.

If you are ok with a shot looking at the history of failed first time experiments, I believe you should have the right to take it. I don’t have to worry about side effects down the road. Just like I don’t worry about flu vaccine side effects because I can’t take the shot, because the side effects for me are worse than getting flu.
I’m just tired of people putting me on blast when they find out I haven’t had the vax. My new response is I’ve had covid, then I give them the mommy stare. Go ahead, try to argue with me about my immunities and we’ll see how that goes.
I have outstanding ratios on my titres every time I’m tested for shots I received 35 years ago. I’m also tired of the portion of society that does have natural immunity being castigated for not getting the vaccine. God have us the best memory cells ever... so go kick rocks is what I feel like telling them.
The safety and efficacy of the vaccine is still being highly debated. How can one come to the conclusion it is safe with 8 months of data? We’ve seen myocarditis in young men, not safe.
Those touting the line its safe are sounding an awful lot like the daily wrap put out from the cdc. They have been known to be wrong before.