Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Yeah, but the vast amount of 'non vaxers ' don't give a **** of you get it or not. I couldn't carte less of you do, but i want the same respect of choice.
I’ve caught more shade wearing a mask from the anti crowd than the other way around.

And all I do is respect the business I’m in. If they say wear one I do. If there’s no sign I don’t.

Everyone always thinks the other side is the one with a problem
What do you care what i choose to do? Thanks for your input, sorry for your friend, but leave me the hell alone and let me choose what's best for me.
Sorry for not wanting to see Vol faithful get sick and die when there is a perfectly safe vaccine available to you that would almost certainly prevent death. Would hate to see your stubbornness and political views cost you your life.
Sorry for not wanting to see Vol faithful get sick and die when there is a perfectly safe vaccine available to you that would almost certainly prevent death. Would hate to see your stubbornness and political views cost you your life.

Sorry dude..not everything is political. As seen, Trump said take the vax the other day and even got booed.
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Sorry dude..not everything is political. As seen, Trump said take the vax the other day and even got booed.
Maybe had he said that from the jump and not gotten secretly vaccinated it would have changed some peoples minds. Or when he actually had covid had not pretended to be much better off than he actually was.
Let me tell you where my high school classmate is at at this point: He's been on a vent for over a week. There is so much fluid in his lungs that he's been lying face down for 3 straight days. They've told his wife that he wouldn't survive being flipped to his back. His kidneys are completely shot, but is lungs are so completely filled that they are having to be cautious how much is given to him via IV, so they are grinding up pills and sending them thru his EG tube. They can't do much of anything about his lungs since they have gone completely stiff due to ARDS.

This is a 38-year-old man we're talking about. He previously expressed concerns about long term risks from the vaccine on social media. To state the painfully obvious, his most likely risk is death, and not in the long term. But if by some miracle he survives, I'd be hard pressed to think of any conceivable long term risk from the vaccine that would be in the same zip code as the complications he will have to deal with.

That's one case. It's anecdotal. But this is his reality at this moment, and his best case scenario is still incredibly bleak. This is why I find it so baffling that anyone could look at what's happening around them and still be more concerned about what is essentially the boogeyman: a scary unknown risk in the undefinable future. But if you can envision some complication that his worse than this reality, I'm all ears.
99% survival rate. And the vaccine does guarantee that you do not get COVID. And even if you have diminished symptoms, you still have to be concerned about possible long term effects from both COVID and the vaccine.

That is a lot of unknowns to be gambling with when your life is on the line.

You seem to have gambled on the vaccine. I respect your wishes and your concerns. Why don't you have the same respect for my concerns with the virus and the vaccine?
You're choice doesn't just affect you. If infected, unvaccinated people carry the virus longer than vaccinated people. If infected, unvaccinated people have a higher chance of infecting other people.

You have the right to do as you wish, but when you are no longer able to go here or there because of your choice then you shouldn't complain. When you are hospitalized and dying from COVID you shouldn't complain either.
Blaming the unvaccinated is just as out off line as blaming @bamawriter's friend. Neither person asked to be infected. And getting the vaccine isn't a guarantee.
And I knew as soon as something bad happened there would be Trumpers overjoyed by it and sure enough, here they are.
You idiot. Nobody is overjoyed at what happened today and everybody knew your water carrying for the moron in chief would blow up in your face like it always does. For it to be as horrible when it happens brings nobody any happiness dumbass.
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You're choice doesn't just affect you. If infected, unvaccinated people carry the virus longer than vaccinated people. If infected, unvaccinated people have a higher chance of infecting other people.

You have the right to do as you wish, but when you are no longer able to go here or there because of your choice then you shouldn't complain. When you are hospitalized and dying from COVID you shouldn't complain either.
Link to them carrying the virus longer?
Have the vaccination rates by demographics changed recently?
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Profile Of The Unvaccinated
The unvaccinated group are younger, more likely to identify as Republicans or be Republican-leaning, and more likely to have lower levels of education and lower incomes than the vaccinated population.

..... those who say they will “definitely not” get a COVID-19 vaccine is overwhelmingly made up of White adults (70% of the group compared to 49% of the “wait and see” group).

......while the more vaccine resistant “definitely not” group is overwhelmingly Republican-leaning, with two-thirds (67%) in the group identifying as either Republican or Republican-leaning independents.
99% survival rate. And the vaccine does guarantee that you do not get COVID. And even if you have diminished symptoms, you still have to be concerned about possible long term effects from both COVID and the vaccine.

That's my entire point. The 99% argument is irrelevant to long term concerns. What if this guy winds up in the 99%?

That is a lot of unknowns to be gambling with when your life is on the line.


You seem to have gambled on the vaccine. I respect your wishes and your concerns. Why don't you have the same respect for my concerns with the virus and the vaccine?

Why do you seek my respect? My respect should meaningless to you, and I can't imagine why it wouldn't be. Yours is certainly meaningless to me.

This is a discussion. We're conversing. That's the purpose of this forum. I'm under no delusion that I'm likely to change your mind on this or any other topic.

But, to answer your question: I do not have respect for what I consider reckless decisions. If you like Pepsi better than Coke, I respect your preference even though I disagree. I respect the fact that you're a UT fan, even though I'm not. I respect whatever religious beliefs you have, or the lack thereof. But if you told me that you're going to go skydiving without a parachute, I would not respect that decision. I think that remaining unvaccinated is bad decision both for you and the people around you. I will not argue against your freedom to make such a choice, but I'm under no obligation to respect it.
Not you necessarily, but people on your side of the argument that want to force a jab on the rest of us. Totally disrespectful, in humane and a total disregard for the fears and concerns we have about a brand new vaccine.

You'll have a hard time finding a single post wherein I advocated for forcing anything upon you.
Sorry for not wanting to see Vol faithful get sick and die when there is a perfectly safe vaccine available to you that would almost certainly prevent death. Would hate to see your stubbornness and political views cost you your life.

Hmmm why do you think almost anyone who catches COVID will get sick and die when the vast majority of cases are asymptomatic?

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