Let me tell you where my high school classmate is at at this point: He's been on a vent for over a week. There is so much fluid in his lungs that he's been lying face down for 3 straight days. They've told his wife that he wouldn't survive being flipped to his back. His kidneys are completely shot, but is lungs are so completely filled that they are having to be cautious how much is given to him via IV, so they are grinding up pills and sending them thru his EG tube. They can't do much of anything about his lungs since they have gone completely stiff due to ARDS.
This is a 38-year-old man we're talking about. He previously expressed concerns about long term risks from the vaccine on social media. To state the painfully obvious, his most likely risk is death, and not in the long term. But if by some miracle he survives, I'd be hard pressed to think of any conceivable long term risk from the vaccine that would be in the same zip code as the complications he will have to deal with.
That's one case. It's anecdotal. But this is his reality at this moment, and his best case scenario is still incredibly bleak. This is why I find it so baffling that anyone could look at what's happening around them and still be more concerned about what is essentially the boogeyman: a scary unknown risk in the undefinable future. But if you can envision some complication that his worse than this reality, I'm all ears.