Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I’m with you. My partner tested positive in Sept. About a week later I started feeling a scratchy throat and knew I was battling something. I took Kiddiedoc’s advice and loaded up on zinc, Vit C and added hydrogen peroxide rinses. I felt 100% five days later. I never tested and I didn’t take any time off work but I know I had it. Why panic everyone around me?
Why is she getting tested?

Good question. The ridiculous testing was the fuel to the fire that drove the entire pandemic and its absolutely ridiculous that people still get tested after what we now know. I can proudly say that neither I nor my wife or any of our 4 children have even seen a covid test. I don't need a stinking test to tell me if I don't feel good.
I’m with you. My partner tested positive in Sept. About a week later I started feeling a scratchy throat and knew I was battling something. I took Kiddiedoc’s advice and loaded up on zinc, Vit C and added hydrogen peroxide rinses. I felt 100% five days later. I never tested and I didn’t take any time off work but I know I had it. Why panic everyone around me?

Common sense is a thing of the past
Nowadays, common sense will get you ridiculed, threatened, discredited, and censored.

You will follow the directives of the System and keep your mouth shut, or you will pay the price.
You make an outstanding point and allow me to give you two very public examples (there are countless smaller ones) of how the establishment is coming down on folks for going against them

Donald Trump has spent his entire life in big business and never had any criminal issues. All of a sudden, at nearly 80 years old, he’s got 90 some indictments. Think that’s merely coincidental?

Jordan Peterson has so many legal issues he said recently that he is spending $90K a month defending himself. Think that’s just coincidental?

These guys are rarities in that they can afford to fight the system. Very very few can. That’s what makes the system so powerful and pretty much impossible to bring down

The system has completely broken Rudy Giuliani
You make an outstanding point and allow me to give you two very public examples (there are countless smaller ones) of how the establishment is coming down on folks for going against them

Donald Trump has spent his entire life in big business and never had any criminal issues. All of a sudden, at nearly 80 years old, he’s got 90 some indictments. Think that’s merely coincidental?

Jordan Peterson has so many legal issues he said recently that he is spending $90K a month defending himself. Think that’s just coincidental?

These guys are rarities in that they can afford to fight the system. Very very few can. That’s what makes the system so powerful and pretty much impossible to bring down

The system has completely broken Rudy Giuliani
Some would say the "system" of which you speak is the rule of law, not partisan prosecution.

Feel free to keep ignoring covid. I think it's more or less a test run of the dispersion system for whatever viral horror comes next.
Some would say the "system" of which you speak is the rule of law, not partisan prosecution.

Feel free to keep ignoring covid. I think it's more or less a test run of the dispersion system for whatever viral horror comes next.
"Some" don't get it. Did Trump just start recently breaking laws? How often do folks who do not default on their loans get prosecuted for overstating their assets? That's a BS case
Covid reports are starting to roll my partner's 25 yr old daughter, vaccinated this Fall, calling today to say she's not coming home for the holidays 'cause she tested + for C19.

Early returns seem to suggest that this latest vax is no better than the previous ones. They don't keep you from getting sick. Maybe they make it more mild but how do we know? A healthy 25 yr old who's had it before wasn't going to get very sick from this anyway. If this vax had done what it was supposed to do, she'd be with her family this weekend. Its failure is costing her a fun holiday with loved one
It’s clear they don’t prevent illness. If they don’t prevent illness, then they can’t prevent transmission. The claim it makes disease less severe is based purely on anecdotal and observational data and “expert opinion.” There hasn’t ever been a randomized, matched cohort study to verify that claim. You’d have to match for so many variables to make sure a group is homogenous as possible, then randomize to vaccinated or unvaccinated. And then either expose both groups to COVID or just hope equal amounts in each group get it. Then you could actually determine if it lessens severity.
Some would say the "system" of which you speak is the rule of law, not partisan prosecution.

Feel free to keep ignoring covid. I think it's more or less a test run of the dispersion system for whatever viral horror comes next.
“The rule of law” as a concept is a flight of fancy created by political high priests of the worst sort of quackery.
It’s clear they don’t prevent illness. If they don’t prevent illness, then they can’t prevent transmission. The claim it makes disease less severe is based purely on anecdotal and observational data and “expert opinion.” There hasn’t ever been a randomized, matched cohort study to verify that claim. You’d have to match for so many variables to make sure a group is homogenous as possible, then randomize to vaccinated or unvaccinated. And then either expose both groups to COVID or just hope equal amounts in each group get it. Then you could actually determine if it lessens severity.
Yep, the closest thing I've found are hospitals reporting a percentage of Covid patients with and without the vax but that only gets you so far. Generally it was along the lines of "60% of our patients have been vaccinated, but since 80% of the population is vaccinated, vaccination is lowering your chances of getting hospitalized."

Now that the virulence is down and it's not really killing any healthy people anymore, it's hard to make the claim that the vax saves lives. That's all they got to hang their hats on now
4 years Into it and I finally got caught.

I started feeling like absolute trash Friday night, Saturday was awful, and Sunday afternoon my family talked me into testing so I did. Home test and PCR rapid test at an urgent care (my job requires it) were both positive.

So far lots of congestion in my head and chest, lots of fatigue, and I keep having body temp swings going from burning up to chills with no fever.

I have to wait until tomorrow to find out for sure but with the way work is being with this thing, I will probably be told to take all of next week off.
4 years Into it and I finally got caught.

I started feeling like absolute trash Friday night, Saturday was awful, and Sunday afternoon my family talked me into testing so I did. Home test and PCR rapid test at an urgent care (my job requires it) were both positive.

So far lots of congestion in my head and chest, lots of fatigue, and I keep having body temp swings going from burning up to chills with no fever.

I have to wait until tomorrow to find out for sure but with the way work is being with this thing, I will probably be told to take all of next week off.
I would be shocked that you haven’t had it before… which is why required testing has been and continues to be a farce.
I would be shocked that you haven’t had it before… which is why required testing has been and continues to be a farce.
Yeah, I always told people I could've had it I just have never tested positive.

I will say this is a little different than anything I've really had before. Friday night when I first started feeling like trash my chest was super congested which isn't my usual pattern. This time has just been weird which is why my family wanted me to test.
Yeah, I always told people I could've had it I just have never tested positive.

I will say this is a little different than anything I've really had before. Friday night when I first started feeling like trash my chest was super congested which isn't my usual pattern. This time has just been weird which is why my family wanted me to test.
Or, your symptoms were so insignificant that you didn’t even consider testing.

Hope you feel better soon.
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4 years Into it and I finally got caught.

I started feeling like absolute trash Friday night, Saturday was awful, and Sunday afternoon my family talked me into testing so I did. Home test and PCR rapid test at an urgent care (my job requires it) were both positive.

So far lots of congestion in my head and chest, lots of fatigue, and I keep having body temp swings going from burning up to chills with no fever.

I have to wait until tomorrow to find out for sure but with the way work is being with this thing, I will probably be told to take all of next week off.
Hope you feel better soon. I've had a biznatch of a GI virus I'm sure I caught from my cruddy patients. I haven't puked in 15 years, but this made up for it. Better today, but I feel like I went 12 rounds with a heavyweight contender!
Hope you feel better soon. I've had a biznatch of a GI virus I'm sure I caught from my cruddy patients. I haven't puked in 15 years, but this made up for it. Better today, but I feel like I went 12 rounds with a heavyweight contender!
I’d rather take a beating than have a stomach bug…🤮…. they’re torture
I’m with you. My partner tested positive in Sept. About a week later I started feeling a scratchy throat and knew I was battling something. I took Kiddiedoc’s advice and loaded up on zinc, Vit C and added hydrogen peroxide rinses. I felt 100% five days later. I never tested and I didn’t take any time off work but I know I had it. Why panic everyone around me?
Exactly I only see a few idiots wearing masks at stores and hardly any at restaurant's and nobody is dying from it anymore. Quite a few however are using it as an excuse to miss work. Where are the shutdown threats by the Dems ?
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Exactly I only see a few idiots wearing masks at stores and hardly any at restaurant's and nobody is dying from it anymore. Quite a few however are using it as an excuse to miss work. Where are the shutdown threats by the Dems ?
I'm not aware of any shutdown threats at this time
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