Layla Kiffin

haha kiffin needs to put layla in charge of the recruiting!! then our team would be winning some championships!! shes so hot! words cannot describe my respect for coach LK:thumbsup:
Some comments on the Auburn board today.....

"Where will we find a coach with a wife hotter than Tennessee's?"

New Coach Slogan: "HCWILF"

i think our men's basketball and football coach's significant others are the best one two combo in American.

anybody know who can beat them?
yesterday on the afternoon show, Primetime with the Packman, and again this morning on the Morning Sports Page, they both made reference to her being the new SEC champion of coaches' wives. Packman said he didn't even need to see the other entries.

all have agreed, they have no idea if he can coach a lick, but kudos on what seems to be the biggest score of his young life.
A nugget I found on Lane/Layla..

Lane Kiffin’s wife, Layla, is receiving a lot of attention around the country. Here’s how they met: Layla’s father is John Reaves, a former All-America quarterback at Florida who played for nine years in the NFL. In 1999, Layla met Lane, then a graduate assistant at Colorado State, while working for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the special events department. They dated for three months before he proposed.
old Layla quote..

Lane Kiffin, the first-year coach of the Raiders, and his wife, Layla, were at a coaches' luncheon during the NFL meetings last spring. The veteran wives gave the newcomers some tips.
"I'd say 90 percent of the veteran wives said, 'Everyone cancel your papers. Don't get them. Don't read them. Don't listen (to radio talk shows),' " Layla said. "But I do and Lane does. He likes to get the pulse of what the media and people are saying and what the players are saying. And I like to read what he reads."
-SF Chronicle
Yeah, a girl from Columbia, SC is really going to hate K-Town.

Cali is a polluted, overpopulated dump.

In terms of "quality of life", California offers more than any state.

She will like Knoxville, but given a choice most people in her position would prefer Southern California - easily.
That really depends what you value. Plus 2 Mil in LA or the Bay area doesn't go as far as it does in Knoxville.
In terms of "quality of life", California offers more than any state.

She will like Knoxville, but given a choice most people in her position would prefer Southern California - easily.

I lived in SoCal before moving to Knoxville at age 15. With the exception of my first two years of college, my time in Oklahoma for a master's degree, and my time in the Navy, I've lived in this area ever since. By choice.

My return visits to Cali since moving away have only reinforced my preference. California in reality is much different from its widely-held perception.
California---fun to visit, especially LA area, SF and San Diego, but the quality of life (traffic, high cost of living, etc.) is not that great.

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