Layla Kiffin

Sounds to me like you are very young or you are a cheater yourself...

If Bruce cheated then that was wrong, but I can't blame him divorcing his wife if he was no longer in love with her. Staying married just to stay married is ridiculous. I hope Bruce is happy and I hope Kim is enjoying her nail salon.
If Bruce cheated then that was wrong, but I can't blame him divorcing his wife if he was no longer in love with her. Staying married just to stay married is ridiculous. I hope Bruce is happy and I hope Kim is enjoying her nail salon.

There is honor in fulfilling one's comittment. Just walking away from a marriage because it doesn't feel right anymore is the reason over 50% of marriages fail. The comittment in marriage is to work together to fix what is wrong in the marriage and not just walk away and expect things to be different elsewhere.
The way Bruce is hugging that hot young blond on the boat, it doesn't look like he misses marriage much.
Sometimes you can't fix what is wrong. People grow apart. I'd rather people be alone and happy than in a bad marriage feeling like their world is falling apart around them
Sometimes you can't fix what is wrong. People grow apart. I'd rather people be alone and happy than in a bad marriage feeling like their world is falling apart around them

To me it's like a relationship to your kid. You made a comittment when you had them. There could be tough years with them and their problems. It may seem like it will never be fixed and it will never end. But you don't give up on your kid. You may get mad, sick, confused you name it, but you don't give up. You do not throw it away. With some time, work, learning and maturity, you might just end up with something special.
To me it's like a relationship to your kid. You made a comittment when you had them. There could be tough years with them and their problems. It may seem like it will never be fixed and it will never end. But you don't give up on your kid. You may get mad, sick, confused you name it, but you don't give up. You do not throw it away. With some time, work, learning and maturity, you might just end up with something special.

I'd say 25 years is plenty of time to learn. Things and people change. Divorce shouldn't be taken lightly, but there are legitimate reasons for it.
And "growing apart" isn't one.

To you. Stay out of the man's personal life. What he does with his life is up to him. You may not get a divorce because you are no longer in love with your wife, that doesn't mean he has to follow suit.

I swear, some people on judgmental and pushy with their beliefs.
There is honor in fulfilling one's comittment. Just walking away from a marriage because it doesn't feel right anymore is the reason over 50% of marriages fail. The comittment in marriage is to work together to fix what is wrong in the marriage and not just walk away and expect things to be different elsewhere.

To me it's like a relationship to your kid. You made a comittment when you had them. There could be tough years with them and their problems. It may seem like it will never be fixed and it will never end. But you don't give up on your kid. You may get mad, sick, confused you name it, but you don't give up. You do not throw it away. With some time, work, learning and maturity, you might just end up with something special.

how old are you?

just curious.
To me it's like a relationship to your kid. You made a comittment when you had them. There could be tough years with them and their problems. It may seem like it will never be fixed and it will never end. But you don't give up on your kid. You may get mad, sick, confused you name it, but you don't give up. You do not throw it away. With some time, work, learning and maturity, you might just end up with something special.

after years of this :furious3: and this :boxing2:, you may end up with this :wub:. more than likely though, you will end up with this :rtfm:.
I'd say no longer being in love with the person you married is a legitimate reason for ending a marriage.

Amen. Was in a horrible marraige for 17 years, my current wife was in one for 18. Do it for the kids or it was a life long commitment argument is quite Victorian. But what kind of life is it for both parties involved to be miserable every day? We will celbrate our 9th anny in Dec. Happy from day 1 till present. Neither has a regret about the "vow" we broke. Nuff said.

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