Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018

Guy is pulling your leg or making ish up.

I'll dig further. I have never known him to be untruthful. He's been an "off the grid" type for as long as I have known him, so I can see it as being plausible that he would be someone targeted, but I'm not sure.
Guy that works for my company said yesterday that he went to register to vote last week and he was told that he was already registered. He voted for Obama twice and Hillary this past election.

His comment: I have never voted a time in my life.

It's just another way the Dims take care of you.
4) Own real property
5) Have at least a bachelor's degree
6) They must make at least $100,000.00/yr

If these were actual requirements to vote? Trump would get killed. It's a fact that his largest constituency by far are white males without a college degree and with a household income of less than $100k per year.

It's funny that some conservatives here think that this would actually benefit the Republican Party. (and before anyone says it... yes, we all know that such restrictions on voting eligibility would be unconstitutional)
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I must have missed it. What's he doing that's illegal? I would have thought that we, as lovers of democracy, would want to increase the participation of eligible voters in our elections.

Red state g o p legislatures have made it more difficult to vote, and in some instances purged legally eligible voters from the rolls. Vote fraud percentage is less than !% according to independent studies. The Mercer family is involved in far more political shenanigans than Soros ever was.
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We have extremely low voter participation in this country both Republican, Democrat, white, black..... I wonder how much effort Sorros will spend trying to get other voters that don't align with his socialist/communist agenda to register and vote?

The communist/socialists control both houses and the WH. :yes:
If these were actual requirements to vote? Trump would get killed. It's a fact that his largest constituency by far are white males without a college degree and with a household income of less than $100k per year.

It's funny that some conservatives here think that this would actually benefit the Republican Party. (and before anyone says it... yes, we all know that such restrictions on voting eligibility would be unconstitutional)

I favor requirements. Has nothing to do with any corrupt party.
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Red state g o p legislatures have made it more difficult to vote, and in some instances purged legally eligible voters from the rolls. Vote fraud percentage is less than !% according to independent studies. The Mercer family is involved in far more political shenanigans than Soros ever was.

Bless your heart
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The efforts to eliminate Sunday voting in Georgia and remove voting precincts in close proximity to African American mega churches is transparent in it's purpose.

It's also worth noting that the proposal never made it out of committee.
Good. I have a quota to offend at least one person a day. Looks like i got today's just in time.

While you are on an adult roll, can you do something about the non-adult music? My car radio could have died several years ago, and I wouldn't know.
While you are on an adult roll, can you do something about the non-adult music? My car radio could have died several years ago, and I wouldn't know.

NPR, Spotify, and Classic Station.

You're welcome.
Found out recently that in our county, if one has not voted in the last two presidential elections, one is removed from the voter registry. Is this common practice elsewhere?

Edit: I apologize for my ignorance if this a well known thing. In dealing with a petition issue lately, we have found MANY people in our community whom thought they were a registered voter, are in fact not.
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Found out recently that in our county, if one has not voted in the last two presidential elections, one is removed from the voter registry. Is this common practice elsewhere?

Edit: I apologize for my ignorance if this a well known thing. In dealing with a petition issue lately, we have found MANY people in our community whom thought they were a registered voter, are in fact not.

Something like that is common. I think it's a cover for election commissions too lazy to keep up with voters who moved, died (and failed to self report), etc.

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