Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018

It's not red herring if the topic is "enlarging the electorate" and "registering eligible minority voters". What I outlined in the (admittedly lengthy) above post, focused on the legal activity of registering eligible blacks in the state of Georgia which can make a difference in the outcomes of elections and I also cited an unfair barrier to the electorate in Georgia in State Sen. Millar who clearly just doesn't want blacks to vote because of the party they predominantly vote for.

You see it as red herring because you just want to make this issue about Soros.

The fact that you are in this thread even attempting to paint Soros in a positive light is disturbing.
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You know the crazy thing?

I've hired hundreds of people of color and do you know how many didn't have a photo ID?

Exactly zero.

Tell me again how hard it is to obtain a photo ID...

It’s interesting how many people think black people are too stupid to obtain an ID.
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Why are fixing an aspect of the process that ain't broke?

How do you know it's not broke? Nobody has really looked. Of course, terms change and after the election despite FBI and Obama assurances, the Russians "meddled" ... probably not as much as Soros and illegal aliens, but ...
The fact that you are in this thread even attempting to paint Soros in a positive light is disturbing.

I have not said one positive word about Soros in this thread other than that his stated goals are perfectly legitimate. In the post you quoted, I said that this issue shouldn't be about Soros. This should be about registering eligible blacks to vote and helping them become a part of our democratic process.
I have not said one positive word about Soros in this thread other than that his stated goals are perfectly legitimate. In the post you quoted, I said that this issue shouldn't be about Soros. This should be about registering eligible blacks to vote and helping them become a part of our democratic process.

Actually I disagree with this too. You’re trying to force a civic minded decision on them. If they don’t GAF enough to exercise their right then screw them. They don’t exercise their say. I’d say mind your own business and let them mind theirs. If they don’t care why should you?

I’m using “you” here for illustrative reasons not attacking you directly.
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I have not said one positive word about Soros in this thread other than that his stated goals are perfectly legitimate. In the post you quoted, I said that this issue shouldn't be about Soros. This should be about registering eligible blacks to vote and helping them become a part of our democratic process.

Why is it you automatically assume black voters will vote Democratic?
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Why is it you automatically assume black voters will vote Democratic?

I don't. I stated in an earlier post in this thread that based on statistical data blacks vote for the Democratic party candidate approximately 80% of the time except when a black (such as Obama) is on the ticket and it's actually much higher. Give me a break... if it's Corey Booker vs Donald Trump in 2020? That % could be over 90%.
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I don't. I stated in an earlier post in this thread that based on statistical data blacks vote for the Democratic party candidate approximately 80% of the time except when a black (such as Obama) is on the ticket and it's actually much higher. Give me a break... if it's Corey Booker vs Donald Trump in 2020? That % could be over 90%.

So black people are mindless, racist sheep?
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I don't. I stated in an earlier post in this thread that based on statistical data blacks vote for the Democratic party candidate approximately 80% of the time except when a black (such as Obama) is on the ticket and it's actually much higher. Give me a break... if it's Corey Booker vs Donald Trump in 2020? That % could be over 90%.

So...black folks should vote for Tim Scott?
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So...black folks should vote for Tim Scott?

In my opinion? "Black folks" should vote for whichever candidate represents their values on positions they consider most important to them.

Now, in the very few cases that the Republican candidate is black... the stats say that they do get large % of support from the black community but the turnout is generally not very high.
I would have thought that somebody who lives in Georgia would be aware of just how many unregistered but eligible black voters there are in this country. Georgia, in particular, has seen a huge demographic shift in the last 15 years (as has Texas) and there are currently (an estimated) 900,000 unregistered but eligible black voters in that state alone, around 80% of whom would be expected to vote Democratic. In the 2016 Presidential election, Trump defeated Clinton in Georgia by 231,323 votes. In order for Democrats to flip Georgia blue in 2020, it will only take an increase of approximately 400,000 (or 45%) of the eligible but unregistered blacks (est. 900,000) in Georgia to vote. This is assuming that 80% of these 400,000 (or 320,000) voters would vote for the Democratic Party candidate and 20% of these voters (or 80,000) would vote for Trump, as (320,000-80,000=240,000>231,323 which was Trump's margin of victory over Clinton in Georgia in '16). It goes without saying that if either Corey Booker or Kamala Harris is on the Democratic ticket in '20 - they would carry the black vote by more than that.

My point is that there is nothing wrong, in principle, with a push from the Democratic party to get eligible but unregistered people to vote - who are likely to vote for their candidate. Now, there is something very wrong with this:

In 2014, Georgia State Senator Fran Millar (R), caused a stir when he complained about early voting in the upcoming elections. As the Republican state lawmaker explained, he had concerns about Sunday voting in an Atlanta shopping mall "dominated by African American shoppers" and "near several large African American mega churches." After taking some considerable heat for this comment, Millar took to Facebook to further dig his hole when he posted, "I would prefer more educated voters than a greater increase in the number of voters." When Millar was asked how he could be so sure that these African American voters would be mostly uneducated, he declined to answer. That is the kind of attitude that the Democratic Party has every right to fight - and should. Voter suppression among the black community is a reality.

You saw the name "Soros" and jumped to a conclusion that Democrats are trying to cheat through illegal voting. The reality of the state of Georgia (and I'm sure you are aware of this) is that is not even necessary.

This is all good if you believe everyone should have an equal vote in this country. I don't believe that anymore. Those that pay net zero taxes should either not get to vote or have their vote count less than those that actually pay the Federal Government. This is especially true for those that live off entitlement programs that are not funded by any source other than taxes (think Welfare as opposed to SS).
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There should be 3 things required of everyone in this country to vote:

1) Proof of citizenship
2) Photo ID
3) Passing a civis test

People that are not of sound mind have no business voting. We know that people like MTLeconte go to old folks homes and round them up to take them to vote. That's dirty.

Good thing it's not a spelling test.
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No but past history does clearly show that blacks vote for Democrats at about an 80% rate... and that % is even higher when the democratic party candidate is black.

Why say something like that?

Says hey don’t think for themselves.

I’m black so I must........vote............democrat..........

That sounds pretty mindless.

Multiracial candidate vs a white candidate, can’t vote white.....
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This is all good if you believe everyone should have an equal vote in this country. I don't believe that anymore. Those that pay net zero taxes should either not get to vote or have their vote count less than those that actually pay the Federal Government. This is especially true for those that live off entitlement programs that are not funded by any source other than taxes (think Welfare as opposed to SS).

I disagree with this... but I assume you are aware that this type of policy would be much more detrimental to the Republican party than the Democratic Party. It's a fact that 11 of the 12 poorest states in this country are red states.
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It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.

Elections at the state and local level I agree. Federal, no.

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