Legalized pedophilia getting closer

The problem is that some 14 year olds look like they are 18 years old, and so do some 24 year olds. IDK what the right age difference is for the law, but there is an honest mistake that can happen there on the part of the adult.
How many 14 year olds have ID?
All states should also do what Tennessee did and stop child marriage with parental consent. A girl I knew in middle school got pregnant and her parents made her marry the creep who was close to 30. Later on, I saw her and her baby at the supermarket, pregnant with her second at 15, and she was clearly just a deeply depressed and broken person. I'll never forget that. It had never occurred to me until seeing her then that she probably didn't consent to any of it but just went along.
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This is the classic example of how the right willingly and eagerly consumes propagandized misinformation. (without even realizing they are being successfully played for a fool) I'm sure there are already 50 right wing memes circulating on how the socialist commie left is trying to legalize pedophilia and how a vote for Biden is a vote for child sexual exploitation. There are a couple hundred thousand old white women looking on in horror as these pop up on their Facebook.

“Hey we’re already pretty lax with heterosexual pedophilia so let’s do it for gays too, it’s only fair”
Good point. 18-30 year old guys these days should carry around a consent form and have a notary on speed dial.

My advice to every young man: as soon as you are old enough to drink (it can be a little awkward beforehand) try to focus your dating life on women in their 30s for at least a few years. It will be illuminating.
Is it your position to promote pedophilia in the name of “equality”?
It's my position that they should be the same. If you feel as though making them the same is somehow promoting pedophilia, then it seems you should have been screeching about the law long before now.
It's my position that they should be the same. If you feel as though making them the same is somehow promoting pedophilia, then it seems you should have been screeching about the law long before now.

So yes you promote pedophilia as long its in the name of “equality”.
So is the current law promoting heterosexual pedos while attaching homosexual ones?

Not really. From the way I read it was the judge’s discretion and now it isn’t. Make a dumb law even dumber isn’t fixing anything.
Not really. From the way I read it was the judge’s discretion and now it isn’t. Make a dumb law even dumber isn’t fixing anything.
Except there was no discretion when it came to homosexuals acts only heterosexual. So the only ones forced to register 100% of the time were homosexual. This gives discretion in all cases
That is certainly a Trumpian conclusion.

Just out of curiosity, what do you feel should be the age of consent?

Hard to say. Kids can be charged as adults for murder when their 12 years old, maybe younger. We trust 15 year olds to drive cars on their own. I guess you have to decide when does someone know the difference between right and wrong and kinda go from there. Some states I think it’s 16 and some are 18. Maybe split the difference and instill an age gap clause.
When I was growing up, I always heard "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed." That sounds reasonable.
But that only works for the girl. I was thinking something along the lines of a pubic hair coverage area of 10 square inches.

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