Let me get this straight...(UT vs CFP teams)

Am I confused, or just dumb? Seemed to me we played Iowa last year...I know it was January of this year, but that game has absolutely nothing to do with this season...
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So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

We steamrolled Iowa. Maybe you forgot it was 35-0 at one point.
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So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

Sorry other Guy but the taxslayer bowl was out of hand early and often. UT could have put up 90 on them. Barnett wore out their all american guard. They scored late when we had the cheerleaders playing.

We switch schedules with them and they may have 5 wins right now and we are undefeated.


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We steamrolled Iowa. Maybe you forgot it was 35-0 at one point.

Iowa had two failed 4 down conversions in our territory early in the game and the dumbest kick off return mistake I've ever seen. If they convert those and the returner lets the ball go out of bounds it's a 13-21 point swing. Once we got a big lead their players kinda quit on D. Happens all the time in small bowl games when the outcome doesn't really matter
iowa had two failed 4 down conversions in our territory early in the game and the dumbest kick off return mistake i've ever seen. If they convert those and the returner lets the ball go out of bounds it's a 13-21 point swing. Once we got a big lead their players kinda quit on d. Happens all the time in small bowl games when the outcome doesn't really matter

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In the calendar year of 2015 Tennessee has played 3 of the 4 teams (Alabama, Iowa and Oklahoma) currently in the CFP, all from different conferences. Not that it's important or means anything, I just found it to be pretty interesting and unlucky for us!
Beat Iowa soundly, had an opportunity to have a two score statement win over Oklahoma and Bama just had one of those great drives to beat us at the end of the game. What might have been............

And what will soon be.....

You debby downers act as of we're losing everyone from the team this year. Every major contributor will be back now that it looks like Cam and JRM will be back. Add another top 10 recruiting class (which I expect from Butch with a strong finish) and you're looking at a team with a legit chance of winning the national title.

What happened this year should give you HOPE of what's to come. Not despair.
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So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

Who let this uncover Iowa fan in?
That game was never close and Iowa has not closed the speed gap that was so obvious.


We didn't beat them because of scheme or even solid play. We beat them on pure athleticism. Not too different from when we played Bowling Green or Western Carolina.

Our athletes were just faster. And we exploited. Other than Ohio State no one in the big 10 has the team speed to approximate what we did to Iowa. Hence their success in the big 10 this season.

If Iowa luckily makes the playoffs, they'll get the doors blown off them by Clemson, Alabama, or Oklahoma.
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We didn't beat them because of scheme or even solid play. We beat them on pure athleticism. Not too different from when we played Bowling Green or Western Carolina.

Our athletes were just faster. And we exploited. Other than Ohio State no one in the big 10 has the team speed to approximate what we did to Iowa. Hence their success in the big 10 this season.

If Iowa luckily makes the playoffs, they'll get the doors blown off them by Clemson, Alabama, or Oklahoma.

Since you brought up Oklahona and alaBubba and Clemson I'll add in floriDUHHH and say that right now I would NOT mind playing any of those teams in our Bowl game.

I actually think that with all the time we would have to plan and get healthy I wouldn't mind playing any of the top 10 teams in our Bowl game and I believe we would have a good chance to get the WIN.

We seem to play down to our competition and early on we slacked off when we had a lead.

I don't think our kids will do that anymore and if our passing gets a little better I think we can stack up against anyone in the country right this minute.

I honestly really believe that.

And what will soon be.....

You debby downers act as of we're losing everyone from the team this year. Every major contributor will be back now that it looks like Cam and JRM will be back. Add another top 10 recruiting class (which I expect from Butch with a strong finish) and you're looking at a team with a legit chance of winning the national title.

What happened this year should give you HOPE of what's to come. Not despair.


How is that being a "debby downer"? The stars aligned this year, we were given opportunities and didn't capitalize. The season is a mixed bag because of it. I am optimistic about next year and love the players we have on the team. I thought this thread was about this year and the bowl game last year but you can use it as a platform for the next year crowd to browbeat and attempt to run up your "like" counts.
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So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

No the game wasnt closef than the score indicated. They scored garbage TDs and Butch took his foot off the gas. We could have easily scored 60 on them.

Your last sentence is ridiculous.
So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

Lol. wait..what? UT curb stomped them all game.
We were that close to beating the other 2.

Given Iowa's SOS i am not sure if they are really a top 4 team.
Statistically, and I say that with a little jest, Iowa is no where close to the other Top 5 teams. SOS, Power Factor, Predictability, etc. The Vols are ahead of them in many rankings. When other conference teams have been unbeaten they have not been ranked so high. It must be because they are the Big Ten (Fourteen). Regardless, when playoff time comes, and if they are still there, it could get ugly. Unfortunately in the SEC there is no easy route to the end of the season for any team.
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Based on what I've seen I think we would still beat Iowa pretty badly.

A lot of teams would. Somehow they went all Vanderbilt and found a way not to even play any of the best teams in their own conference. No Michigan, no Michigan State, no Ohio State. If we played them today, we'd beat em by 2-3 tds (well, at least after 3 quarters 😁)

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