Let me get this straight...(UT vs CFP teams)

Statistically, and I say that with a little jest, Iowa is no where close to the other Top 5 teams. SOS, Power Factor, Predictability, etc. The Vols are ahead of them in many rankings. When other conference teams have been unbeaten they have not been ranked so high. It must be because they are the Big Ten (Fourteen). Regardless, when playoff time comes, and if they are still there, it could get ugly. Unfortunately in the SEC there is no easy route to the end of the season for any team.

I agree with you but if they can slip in , turnovers (see Ole Miss vs Bama) can make a underdog a winner on any given day.
PS: On paper Iowa had a better team last year I think they had 3 or 4 NFL draftees. This was supposed to be rebuilding or fire Frentz year.Favorable schedule and playing good team ball have helped this year.
I find it very interesting that the latest rankings have teams that include three teams with recent connection to the Vols. Two we played this year and had opportunities to defeat and one we soundly defeated last year in our bowl game. I seriously doubt that this ranking will hold up but it gives one pause to think that we may be closer than we think. :thumbsup:
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who wants to see Iowa lose their next game to Nebraska and then lose in the Big10 Championship then the VOLS meet Iowa for a rematch in the OutBack Bowl? Thoughts?

I tried to get an IOWA fan to wager a round of golf that they would lose 2 out of the next 3 and a $20 side that they lose all 3. He wouldn't take it. "I don't want to jinx the team!" was his reason.
the first part of the second sentiment is inherently false. The game wasn't even as close as the score reflected, which is bad because we blew them out on paper too.

Butch sat jalen in the 3rd even though he could have gotten to 1,000. We could have beaten them by 40.
...or almost every board after a loss

Or like this board after an "ugly" win. I wonder if Fla thought their OT win over Fl Atl was worthy of firing their coaches. I believe if we were in their spot and we won like that some would be calling for the heads of all the coaches.
Sad when wins can't be enjoyed.
So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

No it wasn't as close. It was actually much more of a UT beatdown than the final score indicated since there last 2 TDs came against UT backups. I do think Ferentz hurt Iowa early with his rotating QBs, but Iowa was horribly slow on both sides of the ball. And Barnett made their All-American LT look like a 1A HS LT. I'm sure Iowa is somewhat better now that they have settled on a QB, but I doubt they are markedly faster than they were. But we are also better than we were last season and we were already the better team. And I'm not buying that they did not want to be there. It was a B1G vs SEC matchup so there was that conference rivalry on the line for both teams.
No it wasn't as close. It was actually much more of a UT beatdown than the final score indicated since there last 2 TDs came against UT backups. I do think Ferentz hurt Iowa early with his rotating QBs, but Iowa was horribly slow on both sides of the ball. And Barnett made their All-American LT look like a 1A HS LT. I'm sure Iowa is somewhat better now that they have settled on a QB, but I doubt they are markedly faster than they were. But we are also better than we were last season and we were already the better team. And I'm not buying that they did not want to be there. It was a B1G vs SEC matchup so there was that conference rivalry on the line for both teams.

Yeah...the fans are really more the ones that care more about that part.
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We didn't beat them because of scheme or even solid play. We beat them on pure athleticism. Not too different from when we played Bowling Green or Western Carolina.

Our athletes were just faster. And we exploited. Other than Ohio State no one in the big 10 has the team speed to approximate what we did to Iowa. Hence their success in the big 10 this season.

If Iowa luckily makes the playoffs, they'll get the doors blown off them by Clemson, Alabama, or Oklahoma.

Why is the stupid arrogance so strong around here?? REAL football people know and understand that the difference in speed is minimal when talking about the highest levels of college football. Some teams may play a different style of play, but trust that the skill players can all run. Iowa has three backs that can all go the distance if they get a crack. That's a fact. If they played for UT, you would not be talking about there speed. The plain truth about Iowa is that they had a shift in leadership and it paid of. There best QB and some others were not starting and the team has tension because of it. Its been pretty well documented about how the shift at QB changed the team and their perspective. Iowa is a good football team, that can finish you off. UT is good football, who CANT finish. That's the difference this year. UT would not be undefeated in the Big10, and Iowa would not get their azzes kicked in the SEC. They would both about what they are, because the leagues are pretty well matched up.
Lets get with reality and stop the SEC is the GOAT nonsense.
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Why is the stupid arrogance so strong around here?? REAL football people know and understand that the difference in speed is minimal when talking about the highest levels of college football. Some teams may play a different style of play, but trust that the skill players can all run.

Speed difference isn't just about the skill players. The difference is evident when the RBs can get the edge consistently to beat the defense. That's what UT did to Iowa but Iowa could not do to UT.

Iowa is a worthy top 25 team but that's about the ceiling
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No it wasn't as close. It was actually much more of a UT beatdown than the final score indicated since there last 2 TDs came against UT backups. I do think Ferentz hurt Iowa early with his rotating QBs, but Iowa was horribly slow on both sides of the ball. And Barnett made their All-American LT look like a 1A HS LT. I'm sure Iowa is somewhat better now that they have settled on a QB, but I doubt they are markedly faster than they were. But we are also better than we were last season and we were already the better team. And I'm not buying that they did not want to be there. It was a B1G vs SEC matchup so there was that conference rivalry on the line for both teams.

Barnett went out early with a shoulder injury. Rewatch the game and it feels a lot like our 2014 OU game. Sure the score was a blow out but it was 4-5 plays away from being really competitive
My bet is UF wouldn't need to convert 4 4th against Iowa.

My bet is UF beat Vandy by 2 and needed over time to beat an FCS team. Just bc they won a putrid SEC East doesn't mean they are an amazing team. Iowa would beat them by 10-14
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Speed difference isn't just about the skill players. The difference is evident when the RBs can get the edge consistently to beat the defense. That's what UT did to Iowa but Iowa could not do to UT.

Iowa is a worthy top 25 team but that's about the ceiling

Agreed, when the D-line is running down the RB...you are in trouble.
Iowa is obviously a better team this year but there is no way they could have upgraded their team speed enough to beat a healthy Tennessee team. Butch called off the dogs in that game about halfway through the 3rd quarter and Iowa got a couple of "Oh by the way" touchdowns at the end to avoid further embarrassment.

Vols took them to the woodshed in the first half of that game and then cruised on home.
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My bet is UF beat Vandy by 2 and needed over time to beat an FCS team. Just bc they won a putrid SEC East doesn't mean they are an amazing team. Iowa would beat them by 10-14

...but Iowa gets to play a lot of Vandy type teams. It helps keep your team healthy when you play a weak schedule.
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Iowa is obviously a better team this year but there is no way they could have upgraded their team speed enough to beat a healthy Tennessee team. Butch called off the dogs in that game about halfway through the 3rd quarter and Iowa got a couple of "Oh by the way" touchdowns at the end to avoid further embarrassment.

Vols took them to the woodshed in the first half of that game and then cruised on home.

Agreed...UT basically named the score. Re-watch the game.
So is Iowa. Game was closer than the score indicated and it was a bowl game that we wanted to be at while they didn't want to be there. My bet is Iowa wouldn't let UF convert 4 4th and longs on them

I'm not saying that if they played this season that the result would be the same - but I watched the game live, watched it many more times on DVR, and I am confident in saying that if anything the score was much closer than the game itself. UT was up 42-7 at one point before they called off the proverbial dogs.

That game could have easily been a 55-10 type score.
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Barnett went out early with a shoulder injury. Rewatch the game and it feels a lot like our 2014 OU game. Sure the score was a blow out but it was 4-5 plays away from being really competitive

Give it up. You overstated your original post and you're trapped. You're wrong and stretching.
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Why is the stupid arrogance so strong around here?? REAL football people know and understand that the difference in speed is minimal when talking about the highest levels of college football. Some teams may play a different style of play, but trust that the skill players can all run. Iowa has three backs that can all go the distance if they get a crack. That's a fact. If they played for UT, you would not be talking about there speed. The plain truth about Iowa is that they had a shift in leadership and it paid of. There best QB and some others were not starting and the team has tension because of it. Its been pretty well documented about how the shift at QB changed the team and their perspective. Iowa is a good football team, that can finish you off. UT is good football, who CANT finish. That's the difference this year. UT would not be undefeated in the Big10, and Iowa would not get their azzes kicked in the SEC. They would both about what they are, because the leagues are pretty well matched up.
Lets get with reality and stop the SEC is the GOAT nonsense.

The SEC is not nearly as far ahead as it was five or six years ago. It is still the best conference but the gap has closed. Iowa would not be where they are if they played in the SEC or if they even played in the other side of the Big Ten. The difference in the conferences and biggest advantage to the SEC in my opinion has been on the defensive line.
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Speed difference isn't just about the skill players. The difference is evident when the RBs can get the edge consistently to beat the defense. That's what UT did to Iowa but Iowa could not do to UT.

Iowa is a worthy top 25 team but that's about the ceiling

I'm not talking about last years Iowa team. They didn't come to play in the bowl game and got hammered as they should have. This years Iowa team does not look like last years, fact. I see a lot of football from both teams and leagues. I did not expect Iowa to make this huge of a jump. I expected UT to make the huge jump. Talent levels are not wide between the teams or the leagues. UT would for sure give Iowa a run for their money, but to think UT rolls this teams because they rolled a flat Iowa team last year is stupid. SEC fans are starting to look really dumb as each year goes by. All they keep saying is how the Big 10 and every other league cant compare, yet the SEC is losing more and more bowl and big games. Even the games they are winning are nail biters.
The SEC is not nearly as far ahead as it was five or six years ago. It is still the best conference but the gap has closed. Iowa would not be where they are if they played in the SEC or if they even played in the other side of the Big Ten. The difference in the conferences and biggest advantage to the SEC in my opinion has been on the defensive line.

Your right on the DL comment. I think another thing people miss out on is the style of play from some teams. Iowa, Mich St., Mich, Ohio St.,Wisc, and other Big 10 teams play a more pro style smash mouth style of football. Bama, LSU, Arky, and a lot of the Strong SEC schools play the same way. That's why they are tough to beat. I really wish the SEC and Big 10 would play the games like Bielima suggested. I think everyone would start to see just how close the two leagues really are.

Realistically, the Big 10 is 7-8 deep, and the SEC is 8-9 deep right now. That's not a big difference at all.

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