I believe that, according to the laws of nature, neither matter nor energy can manifest themselves. Therefore, there has to have been, before time (time is simply the measure of change and without matter and/or energy nothing can change), a supernatural being/entity.
That entity created the universe; it was the uncaused first cause. Natural reason can lead me to that point. Whether or not that being ever spoke to any prophets or begot a divine son, relies on revelation. "Revelation" in its true sense can be shared by others; however, one who has experienced a revelation cannot truly ever communicate and persuade another who has not experienced such a revelation of the revelation.
Religions rely on revelation. I have not experienced such a revelation; therefore, all accounts of such are simply hearsay and are unprovable (they are also unfalsifiable). Unfortunately, many of these "revelations" contradict each other. One cannot accept a hearsay account of the "revelation" of Christ without dismissing the hearsay account of the "revelation" of Muhammad, the Brahman, etc.
Choosing to accept one hearsay account closes one off to the possibility of accepting other, contradictory hearsay accounts. By not accepting any, I keep myself open to the possibility of an actual, individual, and experience revelation.
I could possibly wait my entire life to receive such a revelation. Maybe it never comes. In the meantime, I will continue to do my best to treat other human beings as rational, reasoned individuals with the ability to make their own choices and I will do my best not to impede their actions, so long as those actions do not cause physical, measurable harm to other human beings.
For those who might be offended by my use of the term "hearsay":
hearsay (n.): rumor
rumor (n.): (1) talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source; (2) a statement or report current without known authority for its truth