economic rescue: What's on the table - jan. 26, 2009
construction projects: $90 billion.
ok with me. At least is going to something that is tangible.
wish it were going to get into the economy sooner, but since presumably all projects open to bid and study before implementation, seems to me likely minimum 2 years before any of that actually goes anywhere.
education: $142 billion
we already waste billions of dollars on education. Why not throw $142 billion more down the drain.
as i read the story, its to rebuild some delapidated ones and update technology, so beg to differ. Having said that, still seems like too long to make it into the economy for same reasons as infrastructure.
renewable energy: $54 billion
on the surface not a problem until i read this "double production of alternative energy in the next three years.
weatherize low-income homes, modernize 75% of federal buildings and update the nation's electrical grid with a new, cost-efficient "smart" grid." sounds like a whole lot of nothing to me.
why did you italicize "weatherize low income homes?" and are you actually opposed to it?
health-care records: $20 billion
good idea if it works. I'm not sure how this will really help the economy.
it is a good idea but has nothing to do with stimulus. Formalizing medical records is the first step to a national health care system.
science, research and technology: $16 billion
like the renewable energy another black hole. Where exactly is this money going? If used properly maybe it helps.
seems like a good idea to me.
medicaid: $87 billion
brilliant. Let's add more money to something that needs to be cut by 50%.
expanding existing services and broadening its scope. Those of you who think that "socialism" is bad in all forms, take note of this one.
law enforcement: $4 billion
see medicaid
not sure i see how the two compare.
unemployment benefits: $43 billion
makes sense from a stimulus sense.
probably necessary under the circumstances. But see my note about socialism.
cobra: $39 billion
indifferent. What's another $39 bill
feeding the hungry: $20 billion
payoff to obama's buddies. No way $20 bill goes directly to the poor.
i agree that this one needs major oversight to ensure that the dollars are spent on actual programs and not "administrative fees" by providers.
middle-class tax cut: $145 billion
now we are getting somewhere. It is nice to know obama thinks anyone making over $75k is rich and doesn't need a tax cut.
what happened to $200k?
low-income tax cut: $5 billion
how do you cut taxes to people not paying any?\
its stimulus. It actually makes sense as for sure that money will get spent.
child tax credit: Up to $18 billion
right let's encourage more people to have children who can't afford to have them.
i doubt anyone these days intentionally plans to have a child to get a tax credit. Legitimate stimulus. You just don't like who is going to get it.
small business write-offs and tax cuts for companies suffering losses: Up to $17 billion
makes sense.
mine makes a little profit. I'd like some tax cuts, too.